✨💜Chapter 36💜✨

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•After 1 hr•

*Y/n's pov*

I opened my eyes and looked around to see that I was in an abandoned room with alot of dust and termites.

I was tied on a chair and a tap was sticked around my mouth preventing me from speaking something.

I was still in that party clothes. I tried to scream but it was all gone in vain as I couldn't speak and even if I scream or shout the voice which will come out will be muffled

My tears started to flow down at the thought of me not meeting and seeing my parents and oppas was filling inside my head.

I started to tap my foot on the chair aggresively and tried to make noise and soon the door was opened and a hard slap was landed on my left cheek.

I looked up just to see a girl with mask on and looking me like she was really angry.

???:"Yah! U ruined my beauty sleep bcoz of this sounds u r making.U r so annoying! Aish wait let me tie ur legs too so u can't do anything"

I shook my head aggresively telling her no but she didn't listened and tied my legs with the chair.

I tried to wiggle my legs but no use it was hurting alot.
I tried say something but she couldn't understand anything.

???:"Aww wht happened u can't speak *maniac laugh*  let me open that tape for u"

As she took off the tape harshly I hissed slightly at the pain and looked at her shouting at her,


???:"Yah! Don't shout u filthy b**ch!"

She said and slapped me.

???:"U Wanna know who am I right? Then let me tell u I'm an saesang! U stole my oppas from me! I was gonna shoot u at the award show only but bcoz of security I couldn't!And when I got to know that u go to the school where my little brother goes. I thought of kidnapping u as today was a family day!Anyways u r going to die soon as u don't deserve to live!"

Y/n:"N-no p-pls don't k-kill me!"

???:"Oh come on when ur oppas will get to know me they'll probably forget u so why don't u just die now?!"

Y/n:"N-no p-pls-"

???:"Shut up! Ur voice is making me irritated! Let me tie this tape on ur little mouth again"

I said no but got cut off by the tape which was now sticked around my mouth tightly.

*On the other side*

(Jin's pov) •Before 1 hr•

I was here waiting for my princess as she said that she has gone to bathroom.

I saw the others coming and sitting beside me on our table.

Taehyung:"Jin hyung where's blossom?"

Jin:"She has gone to waahroom and it's been 10 mins! I'm getting worried abt her"

Namjoon:"Hyung don't worry we all should go and around maybe she must be talking with her friends?"

I nodded and we all go to find her. I and joon go to washroom.

We thought of sending some random girl inside the washroom as ofcourse we can't go inside the girl's washroom.

The girl came out with a familiar purse. And a phone which was also familiar.

random girl:"I couldn't find y/n but this purse and phone was on the floor scattered"

Jin:"Thanks for ur help"

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