✨💜Chapter 8💜✨

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*The next day*

(y/n's pov)

I woke up and got ready quickly for my school as I was knowing that I'm gonna be a lil late.I rushed downstairs to the dining room and looked to see toast and jam on the table.I took one amd stuffed it in my mouth and drank milk fastly nearly choking to death.

I took one amd stuffed it in my mouth and drank milk fastly nearly choking to death

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*my clothes*

I looked at my brothers who were dumbfounded by my presence while eating their breakfast peacefully.

Y/n:"Can someone give me a ride to school pls?I'm really late and today I've to submit my project too!"

Jk:"Uhm I'm going to mall for a lil shopping for some groceries I can drop u to school...I guess?"

Y/n:"Thanks alot oppa I'll give u 2 banana milk's which r sold in my school's cafetaria they're really delicious and should be given a chef kiss...anyways let's gooo"

I saw at how jk oppa's eyes lit up and he immediately out of nowhere took out the car keys and grabbed my hand and ran out of the mansion while saying bye to the other oppas.

*Time skip at school entrance*

(still y/n's pov)

I bid goodbye to jk oppa and he once again reminded me that I've to take his banana milk.I nodded and got out of the car and ran in to my class and barged in just to see our teacher was late.I sighed in relief and took a seat at my usual place and took out my books and all the necessary things.

*time skip at the cafeteria at lunch time*

(y/n's pov)

I entered the cafetaria with bp unnies and took a seat at one of the tables with our lunch.We all were eating peacefully while talking abt our girly things when I felt cold water running down through my hair and down to my spine which made me shiver uncontrollably.

I looked at my back with anger clearly visible ony face just to see a girl with revealing outfit and behind her back were her 2 minions.I rolled my eyes when I recognized who that girl is.

Y/n:"Wht do u want Emily?"

Emily:"Nothing just don't try to be a queenka even if u and all the ppl present here knows that I'm the queenka"

I chuckled and spoke,

Y/n:"Girl when did I steel ur place huh!?U urself gave it to me when I entered this school"

Emily:"Oh come on don't be ridiculous!Why would I give my place to a sl*t like u!?"

Y/n:"Oh babes r u talking to a mirror coz I don't see anyone here looking like a cake with cheap makeup on their face with clothes which won't even hide ur fake a** and b***s!!"

Emily:"How DARE u!U f***ing sl*t!!?!"

She raised her hand to slap me but a loud shout was heard and a hand prevented her from slapping me.I looked behind her just to see our principle Mrs.Chocolate(A/n:Sry but I love chocolates alot and I was craving for one sooo yh!😅).

Mrs.Chocolate:"Ms.Emily u come to school and bully the innocent student's?!How can u?Come with me to my office NOW!!!"

Mrs.Chocolate dragged Emily with her to the principal office while I laughed internally enjoying listening to the screams of Emily.

I then looked at my clothes just to see them soaking wet.I go to my locker and changed into my extra clothes which I always have in my bag.

I go to my locker and changed into my extra clothes which I always have in my bag

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*my clothes*

I let my hair fall down as they were in a ponytail and go to my next class not forgetting to buy 2 banana milk's for jk oppa and 2 chocolate milk's for me.

(to be continued)

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