✨💜Chapter 23💜✨

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•The world tour has came to an end.Its been a week that Bts have shifted to their dorm again and y/n is all alone with maids in the big ass mansion•

•Armies have stalked y/n on social media platforms and have started following her on insta, twitter etc apps•

*Y/n's pov*

This days my followers on instagram and twitter have been increasing.I go to school everyday and somedays ago blackpink unnies told me that I should post regularly on insta and twitter.

Unnies told me that I should make reels on insta and upload it as they said I'm really good at dance.
I did a reel day before yesterday and uploaded it. I got alot of likes and nice comments.

As I was eating my breakfast.I got a call. I looked at it and immediately answered the call putting it on speaker.

Y/n:"Oppas! How r u all? R u ok?! Do u need something?!"

I heard multiple chuckles from the other side of the phone.

Y/n:"Yah! Don't laugh! I'm worried abt u all and u all r laughing?! Hmph!Meanie"

Jin:"Ahh sry princess...Btw can u come to the company today?We all miss u and we can't come to the mansion becoz of our tight schedule"

Namjoon:"Yh pls...We all miss u alot"

I heard alot of yes and murmurings of agreement.

Y/n:"Ok ok...I'm come. Wht do want to eat?"

I heard cheers and squealing's from the other side. But it died down soon and they discussed on wht to eat today.

Jk:"Ahh make jjangmeyeon,jaepchae and tteobokki bunny!"

Jin:"Yahh she'll get tires making alot of foods"

Y/n:"Ah no oppa it's fine and besides I don't have school today"

Jin:"Ok then but make it in proper amount ok? This pigs will like they  haven't eaten in yrs"

I giggled and replied a yes while hearing other oppas whinings.
I cut the call after saying bye to them and head to tge kitchen to make their food.

*time skip after making the food*

(still y/n's pov)

I pack all the food in an air tight lunch box and go to my room to change my clothes to look representable in front of the staff.

I pack all the food in an air tight lunch box and go to my room to change my clothes to look representable in front of the staff

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*my clothes*

I let my hair down and did some light makeup.I took a bag and put the lunch boxes inside it and got out of the mansion after locking it properly.

The driver drove off to the bighit(hybe) company.In between I took some pastries  for them as dessert.

Soon I reached the building and got out of the car.Two bodyguard's took me inside and to the practice room where oppas were waiting.

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