✨💜Chapter 12 💜✨

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•Happy belated Purple day lovely armies!😍💜💜•

*Y/n's pov*

I nodded my head and go with them in the living room.I sat at a single couch and they all sat in front of me on the biggest couch to fit them all in just one couch.

They all looked at me like I've did some crime.I shifted uncomfortably and they all immediately stopped staring at me with that strict eyes.

They cleared their throat's and looked at eachother while I guess communicating with their eyes?

After a lil time I thought I should interrupt as I've to do my homework too.

Y/n:"Uhm...can u all pls tell me wht talk we r gonna have.I've to go to my room and do my homework too".

They all flinched and looked at me shock as if they forgot I was here.
But soon they nodded and Namjoon oppa started speaking.

Namjoon:"Soo as u see...uhm we've noticed that u r ignoring us and being cold towards us...soo Wht's the rea-"

He was cut off by an pissed yoongi oppa, He said,

Yoongi:"Aish can stop pausing in between talking like seriously come to the point! She will get more nervous tgan she is by our stares and long a** lecture type of ur speech namjoon!"

Jin:"Yah! Yoongi no cursing infront of babies!"

Yoongi oppa ignored him and looked at me and started speaking.

Yoongi:"Ok so as u see u r being cold towards us after that amusement park incident and we already know the reason.Its not ur fault y/n ok? U haven't done anything and our carrier is not gonna get affected by u coming in our lives. Another thing u r our siter now so don't be distant and talk with us open up with us. We will be there for u whenever u want us-"

Taehyung:"But hyung if we will be on a world tour for concert? Then we wouldn't be able to be with y/n".

Yoongi oppa death glared at tae oppa first for interrupting him I guess and seconf for asking a dumbest question in this world.

Tae oppa pouted and shut his mouth immediately.I smiled and chuckled a bit at their behaviour.

Yoongi:"Yh now tell us doll wht do u think?"

I was gonna speak but the nickname oppa used made me chock on air. I coughed a little and then ignored the nickname completely and started speaking.

Y/n:"I think u r right. But that's true I was away from u all becoz it can ruin ur carrier but the second reason is that u all r damn famous all over the globe and if I'm revealed to armies and public it'll make me awkward as uhm I've social anxiety and I don't like alot of attention on me..."

Jin:"Princess don't worry it's ur choice to be revealed or not. We won't reveal ur until its necessary".

I nodded and smiled.

Y/n:"Btw...Wht's with u all giving me nicknames today?"

Hoseok:"Oh that!As u know we always wanted a lil cute sis since childhood we had imagined if we had a sister we would call her with nicknames. And as u r now our sister so we thought of giving the nicknames we imagined to u! Oh don't worry if u r uncomfortable we can always call u by ur name".

The other oppas also nodded.

Y/n:"Ah no need to do that I actually love when my closed ones call me with nicknames".

They all smiled happily. And I got up bidding byes to them heading to my room and changing my clothes to some comfy one and started doing my homework.

 And I got up bidding byes to them heading to my room and changing my clothes to some comfy one and started doing my homework

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*my clothes*

Soon my homework was done and I thought of going down stairs to find something to eat as my stomach was grumbling from hungriness.

I searched for something in fridge and cabinets as I entered the giant kitchen.I soon found a pack of chips and a can of soda I excitedly took it and head to the living room with it.

I on the tv and sat at one of the couches not even noticing jimin oppa already in the living room playing some games on his phone.

I was too much focused on shinchan my fav cartoon going on the tv to notice him.

Soon I flinched when someone taped on one of my shoulders. I looked behind to see jimin oppa standing there and giving me an eye smile.

I smiled back and he sat beside me asking me if he can have some chips I nodded and we both continued to watch shinchan.

Soon it was dinner time so we go to the dining room and sat at our seats with the others.

Soon the dinner was served and we all digged in. But soon I chocked on my lovely and delicious food by the que which was asked by tae oppa.

Taehyung:"Soo bear do u have any bf?"

I took water and immediately chugged it down.I looked up just to see all of them looking at ne with curious eyes now. I internally rolled my eyes and said,

Y/n:"No oppa I've been single for my whole life".

Hyung line:"Good u aren't gonna date until u r 50 yrs old and even if u got 50 and got a nice guy we will be giving permission to u if u should date or not".

I looked at hem in disbelief and was gonna say something in my favour but got cut off by,

Maknae line:"Stay away from boys they r dangerous for u ok? And hyungs how abt we do it 100 yrs old? Coz 50 yrs will not be that much".

I pouted angrily and glared at all of them as they were discussing the tips of how to beat up a boy who comes near me. I stuffed my mouth with some noodles and drank some soup.

And after finishing it I got up and got out of the dining room to upstairs and I'm sure they didn't even notice me going to my room.

I changed my clothes into pjs and drifted to sleep as soon as I landed on my bed.

I changed my clothes into pjs and drifted to sleep as soon as I landed on my bed

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*my pjs*

(to be continued)

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