✨💜Chapter 47💜✨

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•Hello there! Sry for not posting for almost 1 week!•
Δ After 1 month Δ

It's been a month and y/n's mom is still in coma. Mr.Kim is still recovering from the accident.

Y/n's health is also not that good as she refuse eating proper meal. Bts r having their new album soon so they r busy with that.

Bts doesn't know anything abt y/n skipping meals and crying every day and night.

They rarely go home. Due to alot of stress they don't sleep properly and r also worried abt their parents.

*Y/n's pov*

I woke up in the hospital. I looked at my side after sitting just to see mom laying on the hospital bed with alot of wires attached to her body.

I sighed and tried to keep my eye sight clean which was getting blur by my tears.

I got up from the sofa and looked at the time it was almost 6:30.

I go in the bathroom and took a quick shower and then wore my clothes.

*my clothes*

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*my clothes*

I came out of the bathroom and saw some nurses arranging my breakfast on the mini table near the single couch.

They all bowed to me and I did the same to show respect.

They exit the room and I looked at the breakfast which was served.

I sat down on the sofa and ate some of the breakfast as I wasn't in the mood of eating whole breakfast.

*my breakfast*

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*my breakfast*

I then took my bag and kissed mom's forehead and head to school.

I entered the school. I took a bus as the driver uncle was not feeling well today.

I saw bp unnies talking with eachother.I go towards them and greeted them.

We all talked for awhile and then head to our own classroom as the bell rang.

Soon our class started.

*time skip at lunch time*

(still y/n's pov)

I wasn't in a mood of eating so I just go to the garden and sat at one of the spare bench and looked at the sky.

I thought of calling oppas as I really wanted to talk to them.

I took out my phone and called jk oppa.

(to be continued)

I'm sooooooo extremely sorry rn! Pls forgive me! I'm just actually stressed and having anxiety attacks as my exam's r gonna start in a week!

And my depressed thoughts r also not helping me! I'll try to update as soon as possible pls tc and be healthy! Love yaaaa byeee!💜💜💜

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