✨💜Chapter 6💜✨

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*Time skip at home after the school*

(y/n's pov)

I opened the mansion's door and entered it with my bag hanging on one of my shoulder's.I go towards my room as I was a lil tired from walking from school to house as the bus was late and it wasn't gonna come almost till nighr time.

I skipped to my room and changed my clothes and go downstairs to the kitchen to eat something.

I skipped to my room and changed my clothes and go downstairs to the kitchen to eat something

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*my clothes*

I entered the kitchen and saw nothing on the counter.I pouted and opened the cabinets of snacks one by one to find something to eat.I saw a packet of instant cup noodles.I took it and cooked it and go to the living room with the bowl filled with my delicious spicy noodles.

I sat at one of the couches and turned on the tv and watched some random shows coming on the tv.

After eating I got up and thought of going to my room and do my homework.I entered my room and sat on my study table and started doing my science homework and afterwards the other subjects homework.

*time skip at night*

(still y/n's pov)

It was almost dinner time and my homework was also gonna finish soon.I got too much homework tiday though.I'm really tired of this homework's actually.Sometimes I think I should yeet myself out of this universe.

After sometime someone knocked on my door and I said come in.
I looked at the door just to see jin oppa coming in.He smiled at me and told me to come downstairs for dinner.I nodded and go with him downstairs to the dining room.

The others were already there.I greeted them and sat at my seat and started eating my food.

I greeted them and sat at my seat and started eating my food

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*the dinner*

We all ate in silence but few times common conversations came up but soon they were dismissed by us and we just focused on eating and Nothing else.

After the dinner I go to my room as it was already late and I've to wake up for school.I changed into my pjs and go to my bed and soon the dreamland surrounded me.

I changed into my pjs and go to my bed and soon the dreamland surrounded me

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*my pjs*

(to be continued)

*Bts and Y/n want to get close and creat alot of sibling moments together but they don't know how to tell that to each other and interact with each other.Let's see wht will happen in next chap till tgen tc and byeeee💜💜*

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