✨💜Chapter 55💜✨

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*Y/n's pov*

I made eye contact with an extremely familiar eyes. I looked a little closer and my eyes widened.

I gasped in shock mumbling "oppa?!"

It was yoongi oppa. I controlled my tears and sat there. I felt a harsh and tight grip around my waist.

I looked up just to see Lucas with dark eyes glaring at me. I gulped in fear.

He dragged me out of the room. But someone blocked our way. I looked at him it was namjoon oppa.

He glared at lucas and tried to take me away from him. But lucas pushed me to the side and they both started fighting.

I looked around to see some 5 handsome boys killing lucas's bodyguard's.

I saw tae oppa getting attacked by both the sides.

I took one of my high sharp heels and slowly go towards the man who was trying to attack oppa from back and hit the sharp edge on his head.

He screams and falls on the ground crying like a baby.

I looked at tae oppa who was punching the shit out of the bodyguard.

I heard a groan and turned to that side just to see one of the 5 handsome boys with dimples got a big cut on his shoulder.

I saw at how he tried to stay awake and try to defend himself.
I took one bottle which came from nowhere and go to them.

I smash the bottle on that attacker's head and blood comes out of his head and he falls down.

I rushed to where my purse is and took out the cotton scarf.

I go to that dimple guy and wrap the scarf around his wound.

I can feel his eyes on me. I just ignore it and continue to tie the scarf.

I then turned around as I heard my name being screamed.

I saw jk oppa coming towards me. He hugged me tightly making my breath uneven.

I looked around to see lucas and his bodyguards lying on the floor.

I hugged him back. I saw the other oppas coming towards us and hugging us tightly.

Great now I can't breathe!

My eyes teared up as I felt the warmth of my brothers after almost 2 weeks. I sighed in content and relief feeling happy.

We all broke the hug.

And yh they all started bombarding me with sooo many questions while sweating from their eyes.

Y/n:"O-oppa's calm down! Let's talk abt this later...I'm tired can we go home?"

I said my voice cracking a lil bit. They all immediately stopped and leads me to the car.

We all got home and I immediately go to my room and jump on my bed! The loml😍✊✨

I didn't care abt changing my clothes and drifted to a peaceful sleep after so much time.

(to be continued)

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