✨💜Chapter 31💜✨

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*Y/n's pov*

As I said that he is my boyfriend they all choked on the water they were drinking.

Their eyes were wide open like two big plates. They were all trying to speak but becoz of the coughing they couldn't.

I rushed to them patting their back and making them sit down as they all were standing.

After awhile they all calmed down and glared at bambam.

Jin:"Yah!Y/n we were just gone for only 1-2 weeks and u got urself a bf?! Did u forgot the rules?! We said that u can't have a bf till u get 25 yrs old!"

Y/n:"But oppa I really love him-"

Namjoon:"We all don't trust him for u y/n-ie...So u better break up with this guy! right now!"

Y/n:"B-but oppa we r childhood friends and now we got in a relationship so what's the problem?!I trust him and he'll gain ur trust too just get to know him pls?!"

I showed my puppy eyes which were now filled with fake tears. Tae oppa taught me some acting skills and now I can finally use them!

Bambam:"Y-yes I'll gain ur trust"

They all glared at him and spoke at the same time,

Bts:"No! U can't date her and nor gain our trust with dating our princess! Break up with her rn"

I looked at bamie just to see him signalling me to stop this prank as oppas r getting really angry.

Y/n:"O-oppa I want to tell u all something"

They all turned there head towards me controlling their anger.

Y/n:"I-Im not dating bambam or anyone else!I-It was just a p-prank"

I saw at how they all grew more angry.I signalled bambam to go I don't want him to get in trouble becoz of me.

He looked at me worried but I reassured him and he secretly escapes without oppas knowing.


I flinched as my tears started to pour out of my eyes. They all continued to scold and shout on me.

They were really happy and excited to meet me and now I ruined there mood by doing this prank.

They still haven't noticed my tears.I'm trying my best to suppress my sobs.


I immediately obeyed while flinching and rushed to my room and locking and sat on my bed crying silently.

I soon drifted to sleep as I was feeling week. Ik I'm sensitive.When someone even shouts at me or raises their voice a little my tears will start falling down my eyes.

*Bts's pov*

We all were really angry at y/n.But we shouldn't have shouted at her knowing that she is really sensitive.

We all sighed and discussed to go in y/n's room to apologize to her but her door was locked and she wasn't opening it.

We thought of making her favourite food and wait for her till she comes out on her own as we didn't wanted to interfere in her personal space.

(to be continued)

•Hello there! Sry for the short chapter but I'm having my period cramps but yh I'll surely make the next chapter long.Till then tc and byeee.Love u all~😊💜💜•

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