✨💜Chapter 7💜✨

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•Hello there beautiful readers~How r u all!?I'm back sry for not uploading but now I'll post regularly as before...soo yh let's get started with the chap✨•

~Its been almost a month and bts and y/n had gotten a lil close.They talk some times and watch movies also.They've also tried to hang outside but becoz of bts's carrier they can't so they always hangout in the mansion or in the garden behind the mansion~

*Y/n's pov*

I was in my balcony with a hot choco in my hand and sitting peacefully on my comfy chair thinking abt my life and thinking wht to do further to improve my studies as I got not that much good marks in the recent test.

I sighed and nodded as a maid knocked on my door and calling me for dinner and telling me that my brother's said that I should hurry as we all were planning to do an movie marathon together.

I got up and go to my washroom and wash my face and put my hair into a bun and go downstairs for dinner after changing into my pjs.

I got up and go to my washroom and wash my face and put my hair into a bun and go downstairs for dinner after changing into my pjs

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*my pjs*

I entered the dining room and sat at my seat and the food was served soon.We all ate while talking abt how our today's day has gone.

We all ate while talking abt how our today's day has gone

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*our dinner*

We all were eating in peace until I heard a plate or maybe plates breaking.I looked up just to see namjoon oppa (A/n:yes she calls them oppa as bts themselves told her to do that bcz she is really young then them) with mouth wide open and the bowl of his mangoes on the floor along with his plate full of food.

I looked beside me to see jin oppa fuming in anger that steam was coming out of his both ears and nose.Soon he started scolding namjoon oppa at how he is a god of destruction and he can't even eat properly and he shouldn't waste food like this etc etc etc...

I looked at the other oppas just to see them all eating in peace while being unbothered like this situation happens everyday.Soon namjoon oppa was done getting scolded and as a punishment he just got a lil bit of dinner.Poor him.

*time skip after dinner*

We all go to the theatre room and sat at our places where we wanted to sit at.I got a soda from the table filled with snacks and opened it and started sipping it slowly.The others also took random snacks and drinks.

The movie soon started and we all watched it with full focus.The movie was really interesting until a part came where they all closed my eyes and I didn't knew wht to do.After 10 mins the hands were gone and the screen was not showing the movie instead it was showing some random cartoon episode.

I looked at them confused while they all were glaring at jimin oppa who was wearing an nervous smile.

Jin:"Y/n-ie...go to ur room and sleep ok?"

Y/n:"B-but wht abt the movie?It was soo interesting!"

I said while pouting.

Jin:"U have school tom right?Soo u have to wake up early and u can watch movie another time right now go and sleep we've to take care of something hm?"

I nodded and said goodnight to all of them and headed to my room and then throwed myself on my bed and slept.

On the other side

*Bts's pov*

After y/n was gone we all looked at jimin to see him trying to escape from another door but jk immediately catched him and brought him on the couch again.

We all glared at him after surrounding him in a circle.He smiled nervously.

Jin:"YAH! Do u know wht will happen if she watched that scene!And on the first place why would u put this kind of movie?!!"

Jimin:"H-hyung I w-wasn't even
k-knowing that this movie will have this type of scene!If I would be knowing I wouldn't dare to play that infront of y/n I know she is innocent and we all closed her eyes right?I wouldn't do this from next time and take care of it plssss hyung don't punish meeee"

Jin:"Hmm...ok!But Don't try to make that mistake again or I'll not spare u!"

After that we all go to our rooms and drifted to sleep.

(to be continued)

(to be continued)

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✨💜💜💜Tc and love u~💜💜💜✨

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✨💜💜💜Tc and love u~💜💜💜✨

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