✨💜Chapter 48💜✨

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•Helloo as I promised before that I'll post a chapter! Here u goo~•

*Jk's pov*

I was in my studio editing some tunes for our new albums song.

I stretched my arms to take the phone when it ringed indicating that someone is calling me or msging me.

I looked at the caller Id just to see 'Bun💜✨'.

I picked up the call and put it on speaker while continuing to do my work.

Y/n:"Oppa how r u? R u eating well and wht abt others?"

Jk:"I'm fine and yh we r taking a proper meal...The others r good too"

Y/n:"Ohh that's good to hear! Btw oppa r the other oppas with u? I wanna talk with them too!"

Jk:"Y/n we all r busy rn...I'm in my studio doing some work and the others r also doing the same...I'll call u later ok?"

Y/n:"Oh sry for disturbing u then-I'll hang up now as u r busy-bye"


Before I can say something else the call was already declined.

I regret talking to her like that. I was gonna call her again but my manager came and told me that I've to go for dance practice.

I nodded and headed to the dance room.

On the other side...

*Y/n's pov*

I finished my classes early. I thought of walking home as I wanted to have some fresh air and clear my mind while having something to drink.

I sent the driver and bodyguards home by pleading them. Ofc who can resist my charms😌✨...

I then headed to the nearby cafe to get myself some hot chocolate as they make it soo deliciously.
It's really famous.

I entered the cafe and ordered my hot chocolate and soon the order came.

I took it thanking them and giving them the money.

I sipped on my hot chocolate while exiting the cafe and skipping to the mansion.

I thought of taking the short cut coz my legs will break if I walk to the mansion.

As I was walking I could hear some footsteps following me from behind.

I ignored it and continued walking while enjoying the hot chocolate.

I took turn to the short cut alley.
It was getting pretty dark. I fastened my pace a lil bit when I heard the footsteps behind me getting nearer.

I heard multiple steps now running behind me. I ran too. I was scared as in alley there were no ppl around.

I ran fastly. I took out my phone and called random person whom I can call rn.

*Suga's pov*

I was sleeping dreaming abt the loml ✨tangerines✨. When my phone rang.

I opened my eyes and took the phone irritatingly in my hand and looked at the caller id to see who was calling me.


My eyes turned soft and my heart melted. I immediately picked up the call.

I was gonna speak something but I heard pants and running sound from the other line.

Y/n:"O-oppa s-someone is following me! P-pls c-come to the xyz alley! T-they r gonna t-take me awa-AAAAAAA OPPA!!"

And the call was declined.

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