✨💜Chapter 52💜✨

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•So lucas was the person looking at her from afar! He was some wht feeling guilty seeing her cry but thought of ignoring that feeling he just showed his cold and rude side•

(Y/n's pov)

I was reading a book named 'broken hearts'. I got this from the shelf beside the bed.

I never noticed that big shelf tho-I'm probably just dumb-

This book is really good. I heard someone opening the door of my room.

I looked up just to see that cold bastard. I rolled my eyes and again went back to reading.

I was feeling his deadly glare on me while he was coming towards me.

Lucas:"Soo...How was ur day?"

I scoffed in disbelief. I looked at him with no emotions and said,

Y/n:"I'm always trapped in this room and get to go in the garden sometimes! iT's rEaLlY fUn~!"

I spoke the last sentence sarcastically and rolled my eyes once again!

He glared at me said,

Lucas:"Look I was trying to start a conversation with u but u r too stubborn! U- ugh! Just leave it! I'm here to tell u that! We r getting married next week! I'm really EXCITED!!!!"

I chocked on the air! I looked at him in an utter shock and anger!


Lucas:"First of all don't raise ur voice at me! Second of all I love u so yh! We can get married!"

He said like its a simple thing!

Y/n:"But I don't love u!!"

Lucas:"Idc abt that u'll love sooner or later! Oh and yh get ready I'm taking u for shopping for our wedding clothes!"

He said while going out. I stumbled back and sat down.

My tears flowing down my cheeks. How can a person be so cruel?

I got up and go inside the bathroom to see some clothes kept on the counter.

Idk how they came here?

I just sighed sadly and took a shower and wore the clothes.

I just sighed sadly and took a shower and wore the clothes

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*my clothes*

Idek why I'm wearing this much fancy clothes just for shopping?

I go  downstairs and then to the living room where that mf bastard was.

Lucas:"U look beautiful"

I just forced a fake smile and then got out of this suffocating mansion and sat inside the car.

Soon he came and sat on the driver seat.

We then drove off to the shopping mall.

(To be continued)

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