✨💜Chapter 15💜✨

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*After almost 2 to 3 weeks*

(In this weeks bts and y/n have created a strong bond between each other)

*Y/n's pov*

I woke up by my alarm ringing. I immediately turned it off and looked at the time. It was 4 in the morning. I brush my teeth and washed my face.

Then I rushed to my study table and took out all of my books and started revising for my today's exam which is of social science.

As I was revising it a knock was heard on my rooms door. Soon someone entered the room closing it behind him. I already knew who the person was so I didn't even turn around.

A hand puts a cup of hot coffee on my table. I looked at the cup and then flashed an smile to Jin oppa and looked at namjoon opla who was behind him.

Jin:"Princess drink the coffee so u won't feel that much sleepy ok? I'm going I've to do my morning skin care routine ok Namjoon's gonna be here with u so if u need any help u can always ask him"

I nodded my head and smiled as he kissed my forehead and exited the room.Joonie oppa took a stool near my study table and sat on it.

Namjoon:"Do u have any difficulties in any of the chapters?"

Y/n:"Ah no oppa.U already explained me this all things a week ago so yh..."

Today was my last paper actually. I was really happy as me and blackpink unnies r gonna have a mini hangout today too. I'm gonna ask oppas downstairs at breakfast time.

I smiled and started reading the chapters once again.

Soon it was 6 o'clock.Namjoon oppa has already gone to his room as he got an idea of writing a new song.

I took a shower and wore my clothes and made my hair into an messy bun and put a lil mosturiser on my face and appliex some lip balm on my lips.I then wore my sneakers and rushed downstairs to the dining room to have some breakfast.

I then wore my sneakers and rushed downstairs to the dining room to have some breakfast

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*my ootd*

I entered the dining room and greeted all of them and took a seat in rush. I took the glass of a smoothie and chugged it down. I took a bread and put it in my mouth chewing it fastly and done!
Y/n:"Ok oppas as u all know that today is my last exam. I'm going to an hangout after the exam finishes.I'll msg u on our grp chat at wht time I'll be back! Now I'm late so byeeee!!"

I kissed their cheeks and ran out almost immediately in the car.I know they all must be still processing wht just happened.

*time skip at school in the class room*

(still y/n's pov)

I sat at my usual place. Soon the teacher came and distributed the question papers to all the students one by one.

Soon the exam started and we all started writing the answers of the question.

*time skip after the exam near the locker area*

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