✨💜Chapter 14💜✨

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*Y/n's pov*

I woke up and looked at the clock beside my bed kept on the table.It was already evening 6. I Immediately go downstairs thinking I slept too much. My pain was alot better now. As I reached the living room to see no one.

I thought of asking one of the maids if the oppa's have already came from the company or not.I looked around to see a maid cleaning the table in the living room.I go near her and ask her where the oppas r and she told me that I've to be ready till 7:30.

They all want to take me somewhere.I asked her if she knew anything else but no she wasn't having any other idea of this thing.

I confusingly go to my room while trying to call jin oppa but no he wasn't picking up the phone. I called the others and same. R they purposely trying to ignore me?

Ugh I shouldn't think much and get ready I guess. I wore a simple but elegant dress as I don't know where we r going. This dress was given by tae oppa when we both had gone to shopping one day together.

*my dress*

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*my dress*

I pit light make up and wear some flat white shoes to match it with it was looking Good. I took an sling bag and go downstairs to the living room and wait for them to come.

Soon doorbell was rang. I got up and go towards the door. I open it to see suga oppa standing there. I smiled at him and he returned a small smile back.

Suga:"Let's go the others r waiting in the car".

I nodded and go with him to the car or u can say limo. I got inside the limo still shocked and sat beside jimin oppa.

Y/n:"Soo where r we going and why were u all not picking up my calls?"

Jin:"Ahh We all were having a meeting with pd-nim soo our phones were on silent mode and we still haven't done it on the ringing mode actually.And the place we r going is a surprise!"

I sighed and just nodded my head and started scrolling through my phone.Soon the car was stopped. We all got out of the car wearing masks and I looked around to see that we were standing infront of the most expensive restaurant of seoul.

I looked at them just to see them telling me to follow behind them. I immediately agreed and ran a little to reach with their steps.

We all entered the luxurious restaurant and I don't know wht did they talked to the receptionist.
Soon they came towards me and we all go to the reserved table I guess?

We all took a seat and I put my bag on my lap and my phone on the table. I looked around to see that this was tge vip private area of the restaurant.

Namjoon:"Butterfly Order anything u want to eat ok?"

I nodded and looked at the menu and go through it just to see almost everything expensive that I can't even pay. Wait-I didn't bring cash with me or even my card. I'm sooo dumb! Now wht should I do?

Hobi:"Ah sunshine as we said order anything we r going to pay for it ok?"

I looked at him like is he mind reader?He shook his head and said no. I was confused but still nodded and ordered wht I wanted as I didn't wanted to argue with them abt them paying my bill.

Soon our orders came and we all started eating our dinner while talking.

*time skip after the dinner*

We ordered our desserts and waited for it while talking and playing around.I took selfies with them too.

Soon our desserts came and we all started stuffing our mouth with it complementing at how delicious it tastes.

*our dessert*

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*our dessert*

We all payed the bill and go home after giving them feedback.I go to my room and took a quick shower and change my clothes to my comfy pjs and yeet myself out of the window-joke...😂(A/n:Sry😭)

My eyes immediately close after landing on the bed.

(to be continued)

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