✨💜Chapter 5💜✨

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•Time skip to next week after the Wedding•
•In this time period y/n has shifted to mr.kim's mansion and her mom and mr.kim have already gone to their honeymoon. Let's see wht will happen if bts and y/n r under the same roof for 1 month alone•

*Y/n's pov*

I woke up from my slumber and saw the time.I got up and go to my new bathroom in the new house.

I got up and go to my new bathroom in the new house

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*my bedroom*

I took a quick shower and wore my clothes and go downstairs.

I took a quick shower and wore my clothes and go downstairs

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*my clothes*

I enter the dining room and saw some fruits on the table so I took an apple and started eating not noticing my brothers presence on the table as I was too hungry to do it.Until one of them cleared their throat.

I looked up from eating the apple just to see all of my brothers aka bts looking at me.I tried smiling but my mouth was stuffed with apple soo I just waved my hand and continued chewing it.

Y/n:"Good morning to all of u!But now I'm going as I'm already a lil late for my school".

Jin:"Wait!U just can't go to school eating only an apple.U should eat some breakfast too!"

Y/n:"Aahh~Pls I'm already full and I've to go now soo let's meet in noon?Ok byeeee!"

*Bts pov*

Jin:"Aish!Why does all ppl no listen to me?"

Jungkook:"Hyung!She is new and anyways no one listens to old ppl".

Jin:"YAH!What did u just said!?How dare U called me old?!afgvvccghbvc..."

(on the other side)

*Y/n's pov*

I closed my locker and head towards my class with books I need for my next period.I entered the class and sat armt my seat.

Soon the teacher came and started teaching us as usual.As the teacher was teaching us I thought at how now I've seven brothers and if I can accept them or if they'll accept me or not?

*Time skip at lunch time in cafetaria*

(still y/n's pov)

I sat at the table with blackpink unnies and told them all the things happened in this week as they were on a function with their family and they all were amazed by wht I've said.

They all were also really happy tgat I got brothers as they know that I always wanted brothers since childhood who would always protect me and love me, cherish me etc...

(to be continued)

Hi there!Uhm sry for the short chap and btw in India festive season is going on soo yh I guess my timing of uploading would be not proper.Soo yeah till tgen tc and byeee~💜✨😊

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