Chapter 74

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I awoke to meet another human, her name was Chris. She seems really nice, I am not convinced that the predators haven't done something weird to her.

She treated me very well and she has been looking after my wounds. That husband of her's though....he looks like if I twitched the wrong way he would kill me in an instant!

He seems very protective of Chris an they seem to get along well. Maybe I am in the wrong. She gave me a run down of yautja culture, what they are, how their society works, and why they do what they do. Honestly they did seem a lot better then most Humans that I have met.

Chris also perked my interest in the one she calls Hopper. He was the one that saved me. I would definitely need to thank him later on for saving my life. The day was breaking and Chris laid down on the bench across from me so she could take a nap. Dar'ke sat in front of the bench guarding her as she slept. He really did care for her didn't he?

"So the one named there anything I can do or give him to repay him for saving my life?" I asked Dar'ke

Dar'ke looked at me and paused for a few minutes before tell me "Ooman Snacks. Hopper likes Ooman snacks and Ooman alchohol" Dar'ke said dryly.

"Ooman you should be resting as well. Your injuries are healing slowly." He scolded me very much like Chris did earlier.

"Its hard to sleep when I am being stared at..." I muttered back to him.

"I don't trust you Ooman. Chris maybe too quick to trust but I am not. If you do choose to stay with us you will need to earn your trust and honor" Dar'ke lowly growls out.

"Dar'ke I am glad you are with Chris you are right she is to quick to trust. She is one of a kind...I haven't met anyone as nice as her since I was a kid." I say staring at the ceiling wondering if Chris and I could become friends.

"Why do you think I protect her?" Dar'ke states rather bluntly to me. Touche he got me there.

I could feel tears going down my face, as I had no one left who would think of me that way. It was hurting my heart a bit. "Dar'ke do think I could join your clan?"

Dar'ke is quiet, lost in thoughts before he speaks  "We have a Chiva that all clan members go thru. Its to kill hard meats. It's a test of skill and honor it will take place in about 8 earth months. Train hard, hunt honorably and don't cross me or hurt should do okay if you decide to stay with us. Hopper will be the one responsible for most of your needs and getting you ready."

I mean what else did I have to lose...? There was no way I could go back to a human colony. Even with out my papers a bio scan would have the Weyland private army after my ass. I would be dead...maybe it is okay to start a new life. It won't be easy and I am sure it will be hard and painful. However it's better then being dead.

I look over to Dar'ke and I see Chris's arm wrapped his neck. I suddenly hear...Purring did they have a cat on the ship. I think to myself as I fall asleep.


I had felt Chris's arm wrap around my neck and she had cuddled into the back of my head. I leaned my head back and rested it against her plump breasts.

After talking to the now sleeping  Ceillia. I was a little less weary of her...I still didn't trust her.

After resting I was going to take Chris out to hunt. There were a pack of  what she called Raptors near by that would be good prey for her. Dee and Fa'tae let me know that there was also a pack of Chris's T rexs near by as well. 4 large adults, 6 medium juveniles and about 24 small ones that were just pups.

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