Chapter 145 Season 3 end

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We arrive at the planet, I let Sooni know that we will be landing at my clinic. Dee and Fa'tae landed already, they were on route via foot to my clinic.

I look back to Ceillia, she had been a great help! I was a little jealous that Mai was getting her...however given that we were now working together more as a clan, we will be working together in the future.

Chris was still asleep it's been about 2 days. Given the report Dar'ke sent before it may be another day or two for her to wake up. Her condition was stable and I was able to find points on her body that I could insert IVs. Her and the pups needed to stay hydrated.

They were over very healthy, but the bed rest order would be in place. Whether it's a few days or another week till the pups were born, she was going to have extra care.

Dar'ke, and the ones from Bru'taes clan ship will be arriving the day after tomorrow. The day after that Crash will be arriving with the bulk of the new clan members.

I see that Dee, Fa'tae and Lu'Nye are all at my clinic ready to help. I land the ship carefully. I get Ceillia to put her helmet on as the atmosphere is not good for Oomans generally.

I lower the ramp an the three males come up. I get Dee and Fa'tae to take the bed that Chris is on off of the wall. I tell Lu'Nye where to lead them. As I follow closely behind. I get Ceillia to stay on the ship.

Once we are in the room that prepared I help Lu'Nye move Chris from the ships bed to the medical bed.  It was a success! I dismissed Dee and Fa'tae so they could take Ceillia to her family.

I look Chris over and notice some dried ... white scales on the back of her neck. I touch them they fall of to reveal Ooman skin underneath...that was odd. I collect the scales in a jar to do testing on, them at a later time.

I give Lu'Nye a run down on what the plan was. He was taking everything in well and was looking forward to looking after Chris.

" it okay to brush her hair out of her eyes" he asked me.

"Lu'Nye for something like that you don't have to ask...just do it. Otherwise if you need permission to touch her for basic care. You would be useless as a caregiver!" I scold him for being foolish.

He nodded and understood what I meant.

"Maini is Chris going to be okay?" He  asks me.

"Only time will tell...Chris is unique her abilities. All we can do is sit, watch, wait and support her body an the pups to the best of our abilities" I say to him. He nods in agreement, then sits in the window sill across from Chris watching her. "Lu'Nye I need to go check on Sooni. If you need anything message me immediately!" I say to him as I head out.

Meanwhile out in space.

I was still pissed as well as angry at Sooni! How dare she forbid me from seeing Chris! I needed to see Chris right away  to apologize to her! Normally I would let Sooni get away with this...not this time!

I could barely concentrate on the reports that were coming in. Hopper had taken over most of the piloting duties. Sa'ke was going over reports from his clan as well as in communications with Crash on the transport of the colonist. I was grateful for that atleast.

Since we were a band of smaller ships we were able to travel faster. So we will be home before them. Not that it mattered much.

What was burning my soul even more was not only was I forbidden to see my mate. The greater insult was that Lu'Nye would be looking after her care! It should be me, not him! I don't care how much he has matured, I don't trust him alone with Chris!

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