Chapter Three|Boarding School

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Haven Parker

It's already nine and thirty i would go down to eat but how stressed i am right now i can't, instead of eating I threw myself on the bed and looked at the ceiling.

How much I will actually miss my room, drawing on old walls in the dark and school I never hoped to say that but yes school. I heard car horns and voices i looked at the phone and saw that it was 5 minutes to 10 i seem to have fallen asleep a little. I got up sadly picked up the headphones, the phone, i put on my hood and took my suitcase. Before I had to open the room door i cast a look that can't tell how I feel and left the room.

When I went downstairs my mom, dad and brother and even the driver were waiting for me "Haven just in time to go" said Mom as the driver took my suitcase to put it in the car "Is there any hope for you to change your mind?" i asked "No, we have decided so and it will be so" in response I just sighed, I knew she would say no but I tried anyway.

The last few minutes before departure they told us a lot of unimportant things, but soon our conversation was interrupted by a driver who told us we already had to leave. When we got in the car I looked out the window and saw their faces without emotion as always we just waved like they did to us and the driver started driving towards the boarding school.

On leaving the city i took a good look at how much I would actually miss him. It may have been an hour so I was wondering when we would arrive because we were surrounded by forest "Sorry I'd like to ask if I can when we arrive" the driver looked at me briefly through the rearview mirror and answered me "In about 10 minutes you could wake your brother", I nodded and turned to Grey who was asleep and I only noticed that now.

*10 minutes after*

Haven Parker

I looked ahead and saw a large boarding school it was actually modern but still dragged on "dark academia" it had such a vibe. When we were close to the big gate it started to open when it opened enough we started to enter, there were bodyguards at the gate and in the vicinity of the boarding school. All around us were students of different generations, in distributed groups, everyone had their own group where they belonged. The driver left us far enough from the entrance but also close enough where Emerald and two bodyguards were waiting for us again. The driver left our suitcases next to us and left

"Hi Haven, hello Grey i hope you like Ravenwood boarding school, but let me show you the rooms where you will spend your time"
we just nodded and followed her.

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