Chapter Twenty Three|Empty

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Haven Parker

We walked through a half empty boarding school they were all either in the rooms, outside the boarding school or in the cafeteria, how empty it was I could hear the sound of our shoes pounding from the floor. Now it will be hard to find Ruby, Zooey and Sebastian I need to search the whole boarding school, or when I think about it better to go to the room. I'm tired though, my thinking is interrupted by Asher. "I didn't know you were sensitive to touch" he said, "I don't like anyone touching me without my permission" I replied and he just nodded. I headed to the room and I think I'll miss dinner because I'm not feeling well again, I haven't even taken my pills that I should be taking.

The evening fell heavily but I still haven't heard anything from Ruby, Zooey and Sebastian, strangely enough they always come to check where I am or send me a message. I put on my pajamas and went to the window to freshen up the room. I leaned out the window as I sighed the fresh night air, the moon was full. I looked around a bit but my gaze stopped on the stairs leading to the roof. The stairs were right next to my window, as if calling me to climb up. I was thinking whether to do it and of course I did, I climbed up. While climbing I tried to be as quiet as possible so that someone would not notice me, since I believe that it is not normal to climb on the roof of a boarding school.

There was no one on the roof like I thought who would climb up, except me of course. A gentle breeze ruffled my hair as it flew behind me. Although it was autumn, the sky was quite clear that all the stars in the sky could be seen. This is how I often worked at home, climbed on the roof or on the building and lay down while my attention was focused on the sky. One fact about me is that I love astronomy, I fell in love with it when my grandmother first mentioned it to me.

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