Chapter Thirty Five|New Girl

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Haven Parker

She sighed and started to say "tomorrow comes a new girl who will be in our team"

she said and I just nodded, "so what do you think about her coming" she asked and I just said "I don't care". I felt Sebastian watching me all the time but I ignored him as much as I could, but thank God Ruby said the two of them would have to go to the library.

"I have to tell you that Sebastian told me he like you" Zooey said and I sighed, "what do I have to do with it?" I said. Zooey looked at me and said "he'll ask you about the dance coming soon, I'd like you to accept" she said, I looked at her in shock "I don't know maybe I'll accept" I said and that was the end of the conversation.

Here it is Monday morning this new girl should come today, I have such a feeling that she will jump on my nerves. Zooey, Ruby and I headed to the team room where that new girl should be.

When we arrived we were greeted by a crowd of both teams and it looked like they had gathered around something or someone, we pushed through and came to the front row.

I also had something to see a new girl, she looked like Anne in one word.

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