Chapter Two|Rebellious

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Haven Parker

She enrolled us in a boarding school. I am still shocked by what she said "you enrolled us in a boarding school ?!" I looked first at Mom and Dad and then at Grey who was sitting calmly and looking at me.

As always it didn't matter to him he always agreed with everything Mom and Dad said, I was the only one who was often against everything and I was rebellious. "Grey, you have nothing to say to this statement of theirs?" i said still looking at him "as always I agree with them" he said so after a short pause he continued "Although I have no reason to go there, I'm not as problematic as you and only problematic children go to boarding school".

When he said that I was shocked he never told me this, I immediately rebelled "Really? i'm problematic?". Grey wanted to say something but was interrupted by Dad "That's enough don't always argue, it's over you are enrolled and you are leaving for the boarding school starting tomorrow ". Dad paused but that's why mom kept going "Emerald will tell you now what to bring from home and you will get most of the things there ". I sat down and listened to what she was telling us to bring.

*20 minutes after*

When she finished talking she got up shook hands with mom and dad and started walking,  when she reached the door she stopped and turned and said "At 10 in the morning the driver will come in person to pick you up, see you tomorrow" we all greeted her and she left with her two bodyguards. As soon as she left i turned around picked up my bag and ran  upstairs to my room, still under the shock that my brother and I are going to boarding school tomorrow.

* The next morning *

An alarm woke me up it's eight thirty. How tired I was last night I just brushed my teeth packed a suitcase for a boarding school and went to bed. I got up did my hygiene and came out of the bathroom which is part of the room. I went to the closet and chose basic black jeans, a white t shirt and a gray sweatshirt, and basic white sneakers. I didn't bring most of the things because we would have to wear uniforms except on weekends.

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