Chapter Twelve|The Opening Challenge

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Grey Parker

After the exam I waited my turn to apply to be at the Panthers. "Grey Parker!" it's me it's a sign to go out. You wonder what sport it is, football is at stake. I didn't really have to go to this boarding school only my sister, but as soon as I heard which boarding school was in question I said that they should enroll me and now here I am preparing to join the Panthers group.

"He's good at this but I'd like to play one on one with him" I turned and Asher was in front of me, you wonder how I heard about him so who wouldn't he goes to Ravenwood every year and is famous as well as his best friend Elijah. "What is it? scared " he asked me after he saw that I was not answering him" okay let's play ". And in the end I won and I was shocked but I managed to become one of the Panthers.

Haven Parker

Everyone who joined the groups sat at the ceremony as Emerald spoke. "For over two decades our boarding school has nurtured the leaders of this nation entrepreneurs, athletes, politicians and all famous and successful people " we all applauded. "I believe that real leaders come in various forms, some are world famous people of course" she paused "But some are rough diamonds, students with fresh views whose intellect cannot be measured by numbers alone ". "That's why I would like you to wish a warm welcome to the upcoming classes" everyone applauded, rejoiced and congratulated each other.

End of flashback

Haven Parker

I got up got ready and left the room in front of the door Ruby and Zoeey were already waiting for me, otherwise the rooms across from us are the opposite team and my team is on my side. We headed to the classroom where the competition starts today. We all came in and took our seats in the classroom, they were all from our team and the opposite.

"Welcome to the initial challenge" the professors said. "As you know, this is not an ordinary school our task is not to prepare you for the classic state exams" they said. "Except for a two week vacation at the end of the year so you can prepare for that unimportant we won't deal with it" everyone laughed. "Our only job here is to feed your curiosity" they paused and continued "Groups like this year's Pythons and Panthers have been rivals for decades, this year is no different".

While they were talking I looked around the classroom on my side is my group on the other side is another group we are all the same but so different, this year will be hard I feel it. "Today for the first challenge we will give you a riddle, you have to solve it to find the key to open this box" one of them showed the box,

"To be the first team to hit that gong and win" we all listened carefully to what they were saying. "What is the reward? I want to know what the Pythons will not see this year " their group laughed, it seems to me that this was said by Asher's best friend, our group just rolled eyes. "Really?" I said as I looked angrily at them, "Let them go" Sebastian said. "We will just say that the winners will get a treat for a good start to the year" said the professors, both groups looked at each other and we were all for it.

"Each of you will receive devices called Louie, they serve as phones have all the specifications but are the shape of a pen that opens and a hologram of the screen comes out of it" they said. Voices of admiration filled the room. "A riddle has been sent to your Louie now", we all opened them and looked at what was sent to us. Zooey started reading the riddle "Ten from the sea to the sand he walks, to look in the soil, but not in the box!"she read what was written on Louie.

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