Chapter Fourty Five|Smell

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Haven Parker

After that day Asher and I didn't see each other, we did in passing ... we exchanged a few glances and that's it.

-He and Jennifer have become so close that there are even rumors that they are in a relationship that doesn't interest me that much.

-Elijah and Zooey have become too close even to go to a dance together, and soon he might ask her about a relationship..

-And Sebastian and I are closer than before, we are even in a relationship.

I got closer to him and got in a relationship so I wouldn't think so much about Asher, I know that's a little selfish of me but I have to 'get over' him.

I miss Asher, his voice and smell, but I should get over it because according to Zooey's theory Asher will ask me to be together ... I don't really think so but okay.

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