Chapter Fourty Nine|I Love Her

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Haven Parker

"Asher everything is fine" I said "just calmly he doesn't touch me anymore" I repeated softly to him as I hugged him.

"No one is allowed to touch you except me" he said as I shed a tear... I'm crying?

He slowly lifted my head with both hands and kissed heart then started pounding... while Sebastian was still on the floor.

"I think we should take him to the nurse" I said, and he nodded and started to carry him. I am still in shock that he kissed me for the second time...

Asher Martinez

When we take him to the nurse, I'll have to ask her to be together because I love her so much ... I can't live without her.

Haven Parker

I know that when Sebastian wakes up I will tell him that everything between us is over and that even if he was drunk it can't happen in my relationship.

How I wish I could be in a relationship with Asher, but Jennifer bothers us, we are not destined.

When we brought Sebastian to the nurse, we went out and started walking around the boarding school. We were silent for a while, but soon he interrupted it.

"I love you and I never had the courage to tell you, and when I wanted to tell got in a relationship with Sebastian and I got into a relationship with Jennifer I hope you understand"..."so would you like to be in a relationship with me " He said.

I listened everything he said and I said, "What about Jennifer, you're still in a relationship?" he looked at me "don't worry about her as soon as I see her I'll break up" and I just nodded.


What they both didn't know was that Jennifer heard this conversation and found out not the way Asher wanted it.

Maybe Haven was right from the start that Jennifer had some bad vibe, but what Jennifer will do about it find out below these stories.

Haven Parker

I came into the room tired and started to change but I noticed the window open again, strangely enough I think I closed it before I left.

I walked towards him but along the way I noticed an envelope on the table, very strange.

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