Chapter Nine|Captains

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Haven Parker

Suddenly i was waking up when i heard something banging, oh my god i crashed my phone, I picked it up to see what time it was and saw that I had missed dinner and the alarm. Congratulations Haven u heard the phone drop but not alarm, very smart. There should be something left over from dinner that I could eat now. I'm already on my way to the cafeteria in my pajamas yes, since there is no one I will go in my pajamas. I slowly opened the cafeteria door, everything was empty and quiet like the whole boarding school now. I looked at what was left and it was mostly some salads and desserts, I took a salad and a chocolate cake I adore chocolate, I mean who doesn't ???.

As soon as I took it I went outside on the same bench from today, it wasn't smart that I only went out in my pajamas because it's still autumn outside and it's not warm at all. I sat down on the bench and left the food next to me I looked around and if I know everyone is asleep I better make sure once again that no one is there. When I concluded that I was alone I took cigarettes, I always take cigarettes before eating somehow I like it. Suddenly my thinking is interrupted by the rustling of the bushes behind, I jerked and was ready to hit him whoever he was. I moved slowly towards him but when I looked there was nothing in the bush weird, I just sighed but it was interrupted by a cold hand on my shoulder. I opened my eyes wide in fear took his hand and twisted it. "Hey, hey, it's not very pleasant like this" he said with a smile but I didn't let "What did you plan to do to me" I asked as I continued to hold him like that. "Nothing really I just saw you alone so I wanted to say hi" he said and I just inhaled and then exhaled when I let go of his hand.

Without waiting for him to tell me anything I headed for the bench I lit a cigarette I hadn't lit before because of him. "You know it's not nice for a woman to smoke" he said with a smile and I just shot him a look and rolled my eyes "What do you care what I do, stranger" and he just smiled as I held my bold face. "I'm kidding do what you want" he paused in sentence and continued "Can I have a cigarette" he asked and I handed him one from the box and a lighter, and instead of lighting a lighter he lit his own from mine. I have to admit his cute hair fluttered in the wind, it was long but still short and I knew it because it caught his eye, and his eyes i can't see nicely but some dark color i like it. Oh god Haven you don't like it shut up, my quarrel in thoughs is interrupted by him "So you're captain for Pythons" he said as he looked at me I just nodded. "And which group are you from?" I asked "I'm captain for Panthers" I just looked at him in shock. So he's a new boy who came to boarding school so Ruby and Zooey were right that he's cute. "I'm so glad and you almost came to the boarding school, right" I asked him "yeah my best friend and i" i just nodded.
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