Chapter Seven|First Class

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Haven Parker

When this was over we went to other classes "I didn't know we were going to have this competition" i said "Yes they didn't even tell us when we first came because it's the secret of this boarding school" said Zooey and I just nodded. The next class is math it's weird that I'm going to classes here regularly because I kept running away from it in the old school, and i couldn't stand math, and I couldn't stand the teacher either...I hope it won't be same here. We took our seats in the classroom, which was almost full.

"Did you know that our group has classes together and we are separated from the other group but only in some classes" said Ruby next to us. So since my brother is in the second group I won't have classes with him often ugh it's good.

The math teacher came in and introduced himself to us i don't like him, I ignored the lecture by putting headphones in my ears as I drew on the notebook. I love doing it I like to draw but only when I'm bored I have most inspiration. Zooey pushed me and I just looked at her questioningly and she showed me a look to look ahead.

Fuck teacher called me and I took off my headphones to hear what he was saying "sorry you said something" i asked, "yes i asked you to come out and solve this task for me and since I see that you are not following i would like you to come out of class". I told him i didn't know so i went out with headphones in my ears and a hood on my head.

Fuck already the first day and I've already been kicked out of class very wonderfully Haven, I don't even know where the fuck to go now. I headed to some part of the yard where there were trees and benches but Haven wouldn't be Haven if she hadn't collided with someone "watch out where you're going" I said roughly and without waiting for his answer I headed to one of the benches.

I sat down and when I was sure there was no one I took a cigarette out of my bag, yes cigarettes you may be wondering so how old am I when I smoke cigarettes. I'm sixteen I started a year and a half ago just because I'm stressed. I don't like them either, I wanted to stop but I couldn't. I inhaled the last smoke and put out my cigarette when it rang at the end of class and threw it away from me.

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