Chapter Fifteen|Victory

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Haven Parker

"So it said ten from the sea but I don't think they meant the ocean" when I said that I pointed to the picture where Grey and I were talking and in the picture was the ocean. Sebastian just looked at me admiringly "smart, okay" he went to the picture and began to count ten steps from it "One, two, three" he kept moving "Seven, eight, nine, ten" he paused at the table where the model of the beach was. There was sand in it "you want to have that honor" he looked at me while he was holding a miniature shovel so that I could find the key in the sand, I took it and started scratching. I found the key and showed it to him "well done" we said as we threw high five but our luck is interrupted by Grey "well done for what?" he said and we looked at him questioningly, "I knew you would find it" he said somehow I don't know I can't judge, disappointed? "Here, take it" I said as I tossed it toward him "Parker what are you doing?" Sebastian said in shock. I just looked at them and said to Grey "take it, stupid Panthers will adore you if you come back with that and that's very important to you" I said now disappointed. He looked at me and threw it back at me "I don't need your help to find it" and just turned around and left.


But again Haven and Sebastian didn't find out that Gabriela was filming them, she was shocked by what she saw. Did she misinterpret everything?

Haven Parker

I stand in front of our group and the rival group and listen to the professors praise our group. "A wise captain or leader always thinks outside the box" he continued "The pythons figured it out. They went to the picture on the wall instead of looking in an obvious place" our group applauded and rejoiced while the opposite was depressed. I took a stick and banged the bong as a sign of our victory, the whole room was filled with a sign of victory. Our victory. "I declare the Pythons the winners of the initial challenge" when the professor said this our group shouted the name of our group. After that we went to the room for our team to celebrate and there was a table full of food and drinks waiting for us, when we saw that, everyone rushed for food.

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