Chapter Thirty Two|Squeaky Voices

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Haven Parker

It's Sunday and it's morning ... another morning and day by day I wonder why I'm alive and why I had to end up in this boarding school.

It's nice to me here but I miss the old life that Grey was in. Speaking of Grey I haven't seen him all weekend, he's probably spending time with his group.

I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. I went into the bathroom and it was empty, I soon washed my hair when I heard that someone had entered the bathroom.

I heard squeaky voices I wondered who it was but soon after I came out I could see that supposedly main girl, what was her name Manna?... Hana?... one hundred percent Anne.

She was with her servant and they both looked at me with a smile and when they saw me Anne stopped laughing. I didn't pay attention to the two of them at all, I normally dried my hair, brushed my teeth, etc.

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