Chapter Twenty Four|Sirius

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Haven Parker

Until yesterday I was in my city living my best life and now I am surrounded by forest. As much as it was nice for me and as much as I made friends, it is more beautiful for me in the city. My thoughts are interrupted by some tapping behind me, I turned reflexively and there was nothing. I paused to try to hear it again but nothing was heard, I probably imagined it. Who else would be on the roof in the middle of autumn.

It was getting colder already, the wind was blowing a little stronger and I was in my thin short sleeved pajamas. I didn't want to go back to the room no matter how cold I was, so I wrapped my arms around myself to keep warm. I suddenly felt it that someone was putting someone's sweatshirt on me, I knew from smell that it was Asher. I could recognize his smell everywhere. I turned to him who was already lying down and looking at the sky. His black hair fell to his face which he was trying to remove. "Did you know that once upon a time older cultures believed that the earth was the center of the universe" he said breaking the silence, "This understanding has lasted for more than a thousand years in some European and Asian cultures. But modern astronomers have discovered that the universe has no special center in space" he said looking at me. I watched him with admiration, is he also interested in astronomy? "You know Sirius is the brightest star in the sky" I said as I looked up at the sky "Sirius is the star closest to us it is located in the constellation of the Great Dog, so it is also called the dog star. My dog ​​was named after that star" I said while my eyes were glazed, don't cry... My dog ​​was named Sirius because it was my favorite star when I was little.

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