Chapter Thirty Nine|He Smiled

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Haven Parker

While I was lying like that someone was above me and looking at me, I felt it I opened my eyes and saw that it was Sebastian.

I put on a fake smile as he retaliated and said "What happened why did you get upset, congratulations on the victory"

I closed my eyes again and told him "I'm not upset, I'm just tired".

He smiled "I'd like to ask you something" he said,

I opened my eyes and straightened up "what's the matter" I asked,

"Since you know that dance is close... I wanted to ask you if you would like to go as my accompanist" he said.

When he said that I looked at Asher who was looking at me while he was still cleaning Jennifer's wound, studying me and my face for a trace of some reaction.

Asher must have invited Jennifer to the dance, I think he obviously likes her... so I should deliberately accept Sebastian.

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