Chapter Five|New Friends

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Haven Parker

Soon the whole hall was full but I didn't notice at first how interesting the conversation with them was, they started setting up dinner when they set up everyone flocked to the food. The food was really delicious and there was everything so everyone could choose. The silence was broken by Zooey "Do you know that two new students should come tomorrow" we all looked at her "I hope they are cute" said Ruby... Sebastian and I just rolled our eyes "I believe they won't be cute" I said and they just laughed.

When we finished eating we headed to the rooms we said goodbye to Sebastian and set off. Their rooms are next to mine which is great. I went into the room and prepared my pajamas and brush and went to the bathroom when i got in there were some two girls looking like daddy's princesses ugh. As I walked towards the shower they kept looking at me with disgust and I just retaliated, when I went out they were still there and they looked at me through the mirrors and just smiled I just ignored it got ready and headed for the room.

As soon as I arrived I sent Grey a message about what he was doing since I hadn't seen him at dinner, soon after he wasn't responding I just fell asleep.

*next day*

I was awakened by a knock on the door by Ruby and Zooey "why did you wake me up" i don't like it when someone wakes me up "We have lectures today that you have to go to" they said at the same time, to which I sighed and told them I would go out just to get ready. When I was ready I took my anxiety pills and left, yes i sometimes have problems with that but it's nothing serious thankfully.

We headed to the fields where we seem to have our first lecture "May I ask don't we have ordinary classes in classrooms" that was a little weird to me.


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