Chapter Twenty Six|Half Empty

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Haven Parker

When I realized what had happened between us, I started running up stairs to the room. I didn't pay attention to him if he followed me, but I knew he was as surprised as I was. His lips on mine were very pleasing to me. I've never felt this way, somehow different. I went down to the window and into the room, I just changed my clothes and went to bed. In my mind was only him and our lips moving in rhythm, with him in my mind I fell asleep.

I feel someone shaking me so at that moment I wake up, when I finally wake up I noticed that it was Zooey who woke me up. I sighed "what's up Zooey, it's saturday" I said she just looked at me and said "let's go practice today, let's run a little through the woods". I looked at her as if she was not normal, I turned to the window and saw that it was already raining heavily "You want us to run through the woods in the rain and practice" I said in shock.

She just laughed as if it was the most normal thing ever "you've never done it?" she said looking at me in shock, I just shook my head in a negative sense. She just ran to my closet and gave me a tracksuit and sweatshirt to put on, I got up still tired and started to change so we could go for a run and exercise.

Going down the hallway which was half empty, I could see in detail the pictures of the boarding school that were hanging on the wall, due to the crowds of children during the week the pictures were not very visible. "If you want we can stop by for breakfast before running, I'm really hungry" I just smiled and nodded in affirmative response to what Zooey said. I don't usually eat breakfast in the morning because I often feel sick, everyone says that breakfast is the main meal during the day, but not for me.

We went down to the cafeteria when we entered I was overwhelmed by the smell of fresh food, there were children but not like during the week, I think who would get up early on Saturday. We took trays and went to choose breakfast, I took the most common toasted bread with strawberry jam over and fruit salad. When we finally sat down on a table in the corner of the cafeteria we rushed to eat, this was really delicious.

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