Chapter Sixteen|Honor

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Have Parker

Lucas, a member of our group, said "i wish I can see the look on Elijah's face" and he laughed "are you kidding? I'm sure they're crying, everyone must be sitting and crying now" everyone laughed at what Sebastian said.

Grey Parker

We all sit wearily in the room for our team and do nothing "That pizza smells so good"someone in the group said, "it's all my fault" Asher said. Gabriela interjected "Hey we didn't lose because of you" she said and we looked at her questioningly when she said that she looked at me who was across from her, "look at this" she said as she looked for something on Louie. I knew she filmed me arguing about the key with Haven "did you let her win?" Asher said in shock, "Grey is more loyal to his sister than the Panthers" Emma said. "She was the one who found the key, she wanted to give it to me" I said "Why would she do that" Gabriela said questioningly I sighed and said "Because she's like that, she cares more about me than she does about a stupid competition" I said. "So you admit you could have taken the key" now Elijah interjected "yes" i said and everyone sighed angrily and disappointed "but that would be cheating, that wouldn't be honorable" I said. "Honorable? There is no honor when you are a traitor to your team" said Asher and I looked without saying a word I didn't know what to say, is he right?


Hey everyone here is another short part, I don't have that much time to write now but I promise that there will be longer parts over the weekend. If you like the story comment and vote<3

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