Chapter Eight|Too Close

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Haven Parker

I headed to the math classroom to wait for Ruby, Sebastian and Zooey. Thank God it's downstairs so I don't have to climb up. They weren't there so I headed to the cafeteria where we should now eat during free time. As always the cafeteria was full again, my eyes looking around the room when I met Zooey's eyes. "Well where have you been I've been looking everywhere for you" I said "We've been looking for you since the teacher kicked you out. We couldn't find you, so we headed for the cafeteria" said Zooey. "How many more hours do we have today? I can't take it anymore" Sebastian complains as always "It would take two more to dinner, and that's English and art" Zooey said.

After fifteen minutes of silence I said "I'm going to go to the room because I'm not feeling well" I said as I slowly got up, "If you want I can walk you to the room just in case" Sebastian said. Just as I started to say that I didn't need help and that I could do it alone, Zooey stepped in "Yes Sebastian I think you should see her off" when I shot her a look she just winked at me.

We got out and headed for my room, an unpleasant silence was present but he interrupted it "So what made you come to this boarding school" he said. I don't know what to tell him, I don't like to talk about this because I'd rather be home and spray paint on the wall at the train station. "And will I get an answer to my question" he said with a smile "Well there's nothing to talk about. My parents enrolled me and my brother because I'm supposedly problematic" i answered him. Coming to my room seemed like an eternity "Your brother is going to this boarding school" he asked in astonishment, "yes but he is an advesary group" i answered him.

We were right in front of my room when I started to enter it he held my hand, I turned to him and looked at him questioningly. We were both silent and he started to approach me and I stood frozen, when he was too close I ran into the room and slammed the door in front of his nose. Why does anyone have to do that he doesn't even know me well, but still I had some weird feeling in my stomach.God Haven don't think about it. I hurried to the bathroom to take a shower and soon returned to my room in my pajamas and went to bed. I set the alarm to wake me up during dinner. Already on the first day in the boarding school and everything was already happening, it can only happen to me. While I was thinking too much about everything I was slowly falling asleep and it seemed like an eternity to me.

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