Chapter Twenty|Lose

22 1 0

Haven Parker

I looked at them both questioningly and continued to listen to the mentors. We started practicing, I was hitting the doll with all my might. This is the easiest way to get rid of anger and sadness, as I was hitting I noticed that my hands were already very red but I ignored it and kept doing it. After a few minutes, the mentor said that we would fight each other to show what we had learned. Everyone found a couple so they went one by one a couple to fight, I was with Zooey. Before us were Asher and Elijah and Asher managed to defeat Elijah. He was very good at this, it could be noticed. Zooey and I finally got our turn, looked at each other and set off. I gave her the first blow in the area of ​​her hips, and then she, so we lined up each other's blows. I might have been better. I don't know what happened to me but I looked from the side and saw that half of the students were looking at us, I noticed Asher among them. With his gaze he absorbed me whole. At that moment he made a worried look and that was because at the moment of my inattention Zooey knocked me to the ground, I exhaled furiously and threw my head to the ground. How could I let my carelessness disrupt my fight.

I continued to lie down and was disappointed in myself, even though I don't like martial arts I wanted to to win. I saw someone's hand in front of me, I looked and it was Asher. Without thinking I accepted his hand and stood up so that the other couples could fight. I looked around but there was no Zooey, Ruby or even Sebastian anywhere, I sighed and without thinking went back to my doll. I will try to be better and better so that no one can beat me, Zooey may be more experienced but I will try to be better than her. It seemed to me that this doll was a little short of falling off how hard I hit with rage. There was redness and pain in the area of ​​my hands a minute ago it was gone, I was hitting so hard that I got used to it.

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