Chapter Nineteen|Martial Arts

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Haven Parker

Since we were in school uniforms we headed to the rooms to change into exercise uniforms. We have exercise uniforms of the same color as school uniforms only with the sign of our boarding school. We changed our clothes and now we are heading towards the fields.

We arrived at the pitches and they were full everyone was waiting there including the mentors. We came closer to them to hear what we were going to do "I hope that everyone is already present, but before we start working I will explain to you what these martial arts exercises will be used for" said one mentor. "Everyone who joined this boarding school I believe did not know that it is not the most ordinary boarding school like any other, when they enrolled you they partially enrolled you in what we call a secret club" said the mentor.

"Since you will have the right to leave the boarding school, you must know that you will always have to take care of yourself because someone is always looking at you, so in addition to regular school you will also learn exercises such as self defense and so on". Everyone listened calmly including me, even if I wasn't really interested. I had the feeling that someone was watching me so I glanced over all the people present there and I stopped at Asher who scanned me with his gaze. I gave him a questioning look and he just smiled and continued to follow what the mentors were saying, very strange. "So now everyone stand next to their punching doll and follow what we are doing" said the mentor, we stood next to the dolls ready to begin. Next to me on one side was Sebastian and on the other Asher, I noticed that and quite by accident and just then they were looking at me.


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