Chapter Four|195

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Haven Parker

When we entered the boarding school no one paid attention which i like the most so far. It was the same inside as it was outside modern but still has the vibe of nineties it's beautiful. The silence was broken by Emerald "The male part and the female part are separated so I will first show Grey the male part and his room, you can go there alone as your mentor should be waiting for you there" I nodded as she handed me the key to the room with the number on it, 195.

One hundred and eighty nine, one hundred and ninety three, and here is one hundred and ninety five.The room had the most normal bed, closet and desk also a window overlooking the boarding school yard and the exercise yard. When I looked there were already some who were training there they were all so good. Since I seemed to stare for too long I didn't hear a knock on the door, but that's why I heard an unfamiliar female voice so I got scared "Hey sorry I probably scared you I'm Zooey Greyson your mentor, I didn't plan to come in but you didn't answer my knock" the blonde girl with blue eyes laughed and I returned her smile.

"I stared a little so I didn't hear I'm Haven Parker I'm glad" when we shook hands she said "So I'm here to show you the boarding school and the school when you change into school uniforms you have everything in the closet, and more side things mostly I'll be here as a friend" I nodded and headed for the closet to change. As soon as I changed i went to the mirror to see how my uniform fit "It's not my style at all" I frowned at the uniform which consisted of a skirt, a white shirt, and a purple sweatshirt, "I know you may not like it but we have to wear this every day as you know except on weekends" said Zooey and I just sighed.

"Come on, I have to show you everything"
she said excitedly.

She started showing me everything from the women's bathroom onwards.

*45 minutes after*

After a long time and it was maybe about half past five in the afternoon but it was already dark because it was autumn my favorite season. My thinking was interrupted by Zooey "since it's almost time for dinner let's go there to take our seats first so they don't eat all our food" as long as we walked I didn't even notice how hungry I really was "sure". When we got there there were already a couple of corners filled and tables were set up.

We took a seat somewhere almost in the middle, then even more of them started coming and a girl and a boy came to our table. "Hello!" they both said aloud I just kept quiet while Zooey said hi to them "Zooey you won't introduce us to this beautiful girl" Zooey and that girl laughed and I just shot him a look.

I don't like relationships maybe because I haven't been in any but also maybe because I believe there is nothing good in it. "Haven this is Sebastian, Sebastian this is Haven" he laughed and then the girl introduced herself "I'm glad Haven you have a nice name I'm Ruby"I just nodded my head in greeting.

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