Chapter Twenty Two|The Office

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Haven Parker

We sit in front of the office for Emerald to receive us and there is an awkward silence between Asher and me. Out of the corner of my eye I looked at Asher who was already looking at me with a smile, I didn't let it be noticed that I noticed him looking at me so I continued to look in front of me. (BTW u have tiktok video of this scene /storiesofonegirl)

But he didn't take his eyes off me I was a little annoyed by it "why are you looking at me" I broke the unacceptable silence only because he annoyed me. "Is it forbidden to watch you?" he said without taking off his smile, "it's forbidden if you don't tell me why you're looking at me, do I have something on my face I don't understand?" I said. He laughed out loud and said "there's nothing on your face, I'm just proud of how quickly you figured out how to fight", I looked at him confused. He's proud of me? I looked at him in shock, my eyes were on his face, he had a bruise near his eye, and his lip was bleeding as well. Did I do that? When I wanted to apologize to him we were interrupted by the opening of the office door, "you both enter now" said Emerald.

We went into the office and sat on the chairs across from her that she told us to sit on. It's really not clear to me why we're here I just hit him, well many times. "And who's going to start talking about what happened and why you came" Emerald said, and I looked at Asher who was looking at me. "Nothing happened" I told Emerald, and she didn't believe it and it could be seen in her expression, "I expect you to tell me the truth" she said angrily but calmly at the same time. I sighed in frustration "I might have jumped on Asher and kicked him a little" I said and she looked in shock. Before she wanted to say anything Asher interrupted her "yes, but there is always a reason behind the blows, and it's my fault for touching her without permission" he said "so if you need someone to punish it's me" he said looking at me. I was shocked, he doesn't want me to be punished alone? after a long minute of silence Emerald spoke "You will both have the punishment of helping Isabella in the library. Since she certainly works alone, it must be difficult for her ". I sighed again now I will have to be with him and share the punishment "that's all, you can leave the office" she said and we nodded and headed for the exit.

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