Chapter Thirty Eight|Smiled Wickedly

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Haven Parker

So do not waste all your strength on your arms, lean on your legs more and turn your hips.

She gave me a couple of hits, but I hit her more than she could hit me, she almost didn't touch me.

"So you're the whore they talk about at school" she whispered to me as I punched her, I looked at her in shock "what?!"I said while I was still hitting her. She smiled wickedly "you know the story of flirting with Sebastian and also with Asher and you had a kiss with him" she said. It was a drop that spilled over the glass I hit her directly in the head and she fell to the floor.

The teacher counted down three seconds and I won, everyone applauded and whistled, I just left the ring without a word.

While most applauded the other half stood stiffly and stared at me, I just sighed and sat down on the floor.

I looked towards the ring and I could see that everyone continued to watch the remaining pairs, but my gaze from them ended on Asher and Jennifer.

Asher ran a piece of paper over her eye where her blood was leaking, I just rolled my eyes in disgust and threw my head on the floor.

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