Chapter Thirty Three|Barbie

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Haven Parker

The silence was broken by Anne "listen to me well now, Asher is mine and you have no right to approach him, me and he are in a long relationship" she took a short pause between words "and you won't ruin our relationship because we love each other weirdo", I looked under mine eyes at her and just laughed and headed for the exit.

When I went out I stood at the door and without turning around told her "there is nothing between him and me so you have nothing to fear, Barbie" I did not wait for her answer and went to the room.

Why would anyone think there is something between him and me, and she's not the only person who thinks that. As I changed my clothes I heard the door knock, I went to them and opened them. "Hey, I just wanted to tell you we're waiting for you at the cafeteria Ruby, Zooey and I" Sebastian said.

"Unless you want me to wait for you" he said.

He annoyed me a little and he is so eager for our conversations and i can see that, but since I didn't want to be rude I told him that he could wait for me in front of the room, he nodded. When I was fully dressed I sighed and left the room where Sebastian was, I threw a fake smile as he smiled at me and we went to the cafeteria.

"I want to apologize for that kiss when I followed you to the room" he said.

I forgot about it, he didn't have to remind me, "it's okay, nothing happened" I said.

He looked at me hurt but covered it with a smile.

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