Chapter Thirty One|Early December

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Haven Parker

We finished running and headed back to the boarding school.

"Are you two going to the winter ball that is in early December" as we walked Elijah asked, I looked at Zooey questioningly as she didn't tell me anything about it or she did but I didn't listen to her.

"We'll go of course"

she said as she looked at me with a look that said 'I've told you about this a hundred times but you haven't listened, i will kill you' and I just laughed innocently at her look. After that no one asked anything so we said goodbye and went to the rooms.

Tomorrow is Sunday I won't do anything except go drawing on the wall in the evening, I found a beautiful wall on a meadow by the one will notice me there.

As tired as I was I slept through the day and wouldn't have woken up if I hadn't felt the wind blowing.

The moment I felt the wind I woke up and the first thought was how it was possible that the window was open even though I know I closed it well. I went to the window and before I closed it I peeked to see if there was anyone upstairs to open the window but there was no one, I just sighed and closed the window and then went back to the warm bed and continued to sleep..

so another Saturday ended.

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