Chapter Twenty Seven|Not With You

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Haven Parker

Our story is interrupted by the entrance and loud laughter at the cafeteria door. We both looked there and saw Asher and Elijah laughing while their eyes were on us. Zooey just looked at me and smiled so slyly, I looked at her questioningly. "Hey if you want you can sit at our table" Zooey asked Asher and Elijah, I looked at her in shock and she laughed innocently. They both looked at each other and walked towards us with a smile...this will be a long day.

I looked awkwardly at them and my gaze turned to Asher who was looking at me with a smile right in my eyes, because of the awkwardness I looked away. Across from me sat Asher and across from Zooey sat Elijah. We all looked at each other so the silence was broken by Zooey "and what are you doing so early" she said with a smile, they both looked at each other and said "we thought we were going to run" first said Asher and then Elijah "yes it is raining but we love it that way".

I just listened to them talk while my gaze was on my food as I nervously tapped my fingers on the table, I don't like being in someones company, somehow I'm not comfortable, I barely made these friends now.

My tapping is interrupted by a hand from Asher that was placed over mine, I looked up and looked at him questioningly and then at Zooey and Elijah if they saw. When I made sure they didn't see anything, I quickly removed it and looked at him again questioningly. He then just smiled and quietly told me "why don't you say anything, you're not sociable" I just raised my eyebrow and said "I'm talking but not with you", when I said that he just smiled and continued to follow the conversation.

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