Chapter Fifteen-5 years later

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I woke up alone, like most mornings. Tobias was always up early to go to the Dauntless building to oversee the initiates or check the cameras. I rolled out of bed and went to Christina's room to wake her. When I opened the door, Christina was sitting at her desk reading a book. She jumped when I came in the room.

"Good morning mother. I was just finishing homework." She said

"Good morning Christina. Get dressed. You have a full day ahead of you." I said

I walked out of the room. I went to the kitchen and found a peice of paper under a glass. I opened it.


I had to leave for the compound early today. Someting about an initate death. I will be home at about 4 this evening. I'll tell you as much as I know.

Love, Tobias

I threw the note away deep in the trash can so Christina couldn't find it. I started making breakfast. When I finished, Christina came downstairs in her black Dauntless clothes. She sat down at the table silently. I placed a plate of food infront of her. She ate without saying a word. When she finished, she put her plate in the sink and went back upstairs.

"Christina! Grab your bag! You need to go to school!" I shouted

She came running down the stairs with her bag thrown over her shoulder. I rushed her out the door and walked her to the train. After she got on safely, I walked to the compound. When I got there, I went down to the training room. Tobias was standing with his arms crossed while this year's initiates fought.

"Any good one's this year?" I asked

"Not as good as you." He replied quietly so no one could hear

I stood next to him with my arms crossed. I was wondering about the note but I figured I would ask later. Just as an initiate beat another, Zeke came running in.

"Tris!" He said, out of breath "We need to talk."

Tobias looked at me wierd.

"Go. We'll talk later." Tobias said

Zeke motioned me to follow him. A pack of Dauntless children ran past us. I has no idea where we were going. I recognized the area. The infirmary was 5 feet in front of us.

"Zeke. What is it?" I asked

"Its Christina." He said

"What happened?" I was yelling now, tears streaming out of my eyes

"Im so sorry Tris. She was acting tough in front of the wrong crowd and they beat her up. Its really bad." Zeke said

I felt my knees buckle beneath me. I put my head in my hands. Zeke helped me up. We walked in silence to the infirmary. He opened the door for me. There she was. Lying there with four Dauntless nurses around her. I ran to her.

"Christina!" I yelled

A Dauntless nurse held me back. Tears welled up in my eyes. I was screaming for her. The nurse guided me to a chair. She told me Christina was going to be okay. I craddled my head in my hands. At 4 o'clock in the evening, a Dauntless nurse came over and sat by me. I lifted my head to look at her.

"Are you Christina's mother?" She asked

"Yes, I am." I said

"I am truly very sorry Ms. Prior." I stood up

"What are you talking about? What happened?"

"I am very sorry Ms. Prior. You should go home and talk to your husband and get some rest."

I knew exactly what she meant. Christina is dead. I collapsed on the floor, crying. The nurse picked me up and put me back in the chair. I got up and ran out of the infirmary. I pushed my way through people. My vision was blurry from tears. Once I was out of the main compound, I sprinted to my house.

When I got there, I opened the door calmly. Tobias was on the couch. He got up very quickly when he saw me.

"What happened? Where's Christina?" he asked

I started to cry. He walked over to me and shut the door. Tobias wrapped his arms around me in an embrace. He guided me over to the couch. We sat down. Once I calmed down, he started asking.

"Tell me exactly what happened." He said

"Zeke led me to the infirmary and she was just lying there covered in blood. Zeke told me she got beaten down by other Dauntless. I tried to help her but..." my voice faltered

"But what?"

"She was already dead." I started crying again

Tobias held me close on the couch. We sat in silence for about 5 minutes. Then there was a knock on the door. Tobias looked at me. I looked back at him. I got off the couch and opened to door. Zeke was standing at the door.

"Zeke. What are you doing here?" Tobias said, standing up off the couch.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry for what happened today." Zeke said

"Excuse me." I said

I walked upstairs to Christina's room. The book she was reading this morning was still on her desk. I picked up the book. It was a book about serums. The book was open to the section about the serum the Erudite controlled Dauntless with. On her bookmark, she wrote "Erudite erudite erudite". I set the book back on the desk. There was something under her bed. Her notebook. I heard Zeke and Tobias talking downstairs. I opened the notebook to the first page. It was titled "My choice". It read:

When I am sixteen, I will choose erudite. Everyone at Dauntless hates me and I will get back at them. I want to be just like Jenine Matthews. We hear about her in school. She is a great role model

I dropped the notebook. I covered my mouth with my hands. I backed up into her desk.

"Tris." Tobias said "Everything okay?"

He started up the stairs. I turned around and rushed into our bedroom. Tobias and Zeke came into the room with worried looks on their faces.

"Erudite." I said, that's the only thing I could say

Tobias sat next to me on the bed.

"What are you talking about?" Tobias asked "You hate erudite."

I got up off the bed and walked into Christina's room. Tobias and Zeke followed close behind. I picked up the notebook and serum book. I showed Tobias the bookmark, the page in the book, and the notebook. Tobias read them and handed them back to me.

"I stop by later." Zeke said as he walked downstairs and out the door.

I looked at Tobias. Tears welled up in my eyes. A tear rolled down my cheek. Tobias put his hands over my cheeks. I pulled closer to him. He wrapped his arms around me.

"Anything but." He said

"I can't believe it." I said

"It's late. We should get some rest."

We walked into our bedroom. I went into the bathroom. I pulled my hair out of a ponytail and brushed it. I changed into a sleeveless shirt and shorts. I put my jacket on the rack in the corner of our room. Tobias came over and wrapped his arms around me. We walked over to the bed. I crawled up next to him. I fell asleep quickly.

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