Chapter Sixteen

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I woke to Tobias shaking me.

"Come on Tris. We have a lot to do today."

I climbed out of bed. Tobias was already fully dressed. I grabbed a pair of pants and my jacket. I slipped them on. We walked side by side down the stairs.

"How are you feeling today?" Tobias asked

"Ok, I guess." I said

He wrapped me in his arms. We stayed that way for awhile. We eventually decided to head to the compound. When we got there, Tobias went down to the training room to oversee the initiates. A group of younger Dauntless poured into the Pit. One of the caught my eye.

"How's that cocky daughter of yours?" The Dauntless boy said

I snapped. Before I couls think, I was in the Pit holding the boy by his jacket collar.

"Did you beat her? Did you? Answer me!" I was yelling

"Yea. She said that she could be us all in a heart beat so we fought her." he said

"Hope you are happy with killing somebody. She's dead." I said

I walked back to our house. When I got there, I sat down on the couch. After about 5 minutes, there was a knock at the door. I got up and opened the door. Zeke.

"I heard about the kid you threw against the wall." Zeke said

"I didn't throw him. I just grabbed him by the collar and lifted him of the ground." I said

"Kid's name is Eric. Peter's son." Peter's son. Peter died two years ago.


" I didn't say that. I just-"


"I'm just saying I heard what happened. I know its hard to give up someone you love. I've been through this." Zeke said

"She was five Zeke. Uriah was sixteen."

"Still a loss."

"Is that what you came here for?" I asked

"No. Four said he wants you to meet him in the training room in five minutes." Zeke said

We walked to the compound side by side. I ran to the training room. Tobias was standing with his arms crossed. His usual stance. I walked up beside him and crossed my arms. Two initiates were fighting. One was slightly smaller than the other.

"Any of them any good?" I asked

"They all still suck." Tobias whispered

"You wanted me down here?"

"Oh right. I need you to show these weaklings how its done. They aren't picking up anything from their instructor."

Just as the last word came out of his mouth, their instructor, Lauren, walked over to us. She looked at me. Then at Tobias.

"Help?" Lauren said

I walked to the middle of the room. All the initiates parted for me. I stepped up onto the fighting platform. I looked at the initiates.

"Lauren." I said

She stepped up onto the platform.

"Watch carefully you pansycakes." Lauren said "take note on her stance and strtagey not mine."

I looked at her. Lauren nodded. We got into stance. She threw the first punch. I dodged it. I aimed a punch at her stomach. She almost fell over. I punched to the throat. I saw Tobias out of corner of my eye smile. I caught her of guard and threw two punches to her stomach. She toppled over. I stood there for a minute and then helped her up. One of the initiates raised his hand.

"What are pansycakes?" she asked

"Make Dauntless and you'll find out." I walked off the platform

"Pansycakes." Tobias laughed

"They are. I've only seen them fight twice and I can see that." I replied

For a minute I thought I saw my mother on the platform. Then she just disappeared. I must have had a wierd look on my face because Tobias looked at me funny. I heard foot steps behind me. I turned around to see the worst person in the world. To me at least. I grabbed his arm and dragged him to the Pit. It was empty because everyone was either at school or at work.

"What are you doing here?"

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