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"Let's make a U-turn here, I'm tired already", Hin stopped after few minutes of walking along the beach.

Aside from my mean reaction from body shaming Newwiee, from which I did not intend to, he also consumed a lot of sweets so I invited him to walk around as I read somewhere that exercising after eating may prevent excessive spikes in blood sugar.

I have been worried that Hin might have diabetes from eating too much sweets when I myself can't stop spoiling my boyfriend with his favorites but feels guilty about it after.

We stopped and decided to sit on the grainy sand close to the beach with only the moonlight shining right back at us, the chilly air touching our skins, and the sweet lullaby of the waves.

"When I was in Singapore we had this, uhm,  brainstorming activity to know how efficient and familiar we are to our job", Hin blurted out of nowhere, "We ask random questions to anyone or anybody not in particular then we will answer their question by asking a question back. They called it Maieutics with a twist."

"Maieu-- what?"

"Maieutics love, Ma-yu-- whatever. To make it short, it's like a question and question portion. Can we try and do that?", he tried his best to explain it in the simplest form but I seemed to be confused by it.

"What was that? Can you say everything again?"

Hin clicked his tongue and nudge me lightly, "It's like we're having conversations through questions. I ask a question, you answer with a question. You ask, how are you? I answer with, why do you care? It's pretty easy, Te!"

"Ah, ah, okay", I sneered at an irked Newwiee. I think I get it. "I will try. Can I go first?"

New smiled and nodded in response.

"Okay", I cleared my throat and paused for a minute thinking of a good question. Hmm.

"What's one thing that can make you give up on me?"

Hin's smile faded away. Was my question too much?

"I was thinking of a lighter one like 'who is your first crush?' instead, you threw me something deep. Is this about the probabilities of you cheating on me?", asked New, raising his eyebrow from my valid question.

Ah, here we go again. I shook my head, "Was me cheating all you ever think about?"

"Then what else would make me want to give you up?"

"How about making a mistake? Or lying about something?"

"Tawan, what kind of mistake did you do??", Hin's voice escalated as he turned to face me with a frown planted on his forehead.

I chuckled and held his hand, partly nervous of what I got in, "At some point we all make mistake, love. This is your idea but why are you getting so worked up?"

"Did you ever lie to me?"

"Are white lies okay?", I asked after like a minute or two of silence.

He exhaled trying to be calm but frown still there, "What kind of white lies?"

I was thinking. Carefully. White lies. There's a lot! Okay, let's go with the recent one.

"Will.. you.. forgive me if.. I tell you I intentionally left your notebook?"

"Okay, so we're back at this. I'm curious too anyway. Why did you leave it?"

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