Chapter 1

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*NB. So for a little while this is going to be from narrator pov. The time shifts might seem confusing at first but as you read along you'll get it .
∆∆∆∆= refers to the settings of her parents and siblings.
~~~~= some time has passed .

If you as a reader read some things in this story and they don't seem to make complete sense it will all add up in later chapters.

Hopefully you enjoy this readers!*

•Narrator Pov•

"This isn't real, this isn't real." nyuma repeated trembling and hoping the growling beast would suddenly vanish from before her. She slowly opened her eyes only to be dangerously close to the hungry lion. A string of it's saliva drops right in her lap .

"She is just a child, you can't do this, get her out of there Atlas" Her mother cried "She is not a baby anymore and no child of mine will be weak" he said looking on with a agitated expression.

"But Atlas-"
"Enough! Do you want to be thrown in there with her to!" He shouted. The ground matched his anger, rumbling under our feet causing the lion's attention to go elsewhere .
Atlas walked over to the girl and stooped down to her level. Open your eyes child" He demanded.
Her eyes remained shut. "Open!" He bellowed. The little girl flinched and opened her eyes terrified to upset him any further. He gripped her chin "I told your mom to get rid of you when you were born .I would have done it on my own but she saved you. You'll never belong with my family. Your an abomination and you will not sleep near us ,find your own way and forget us." He said. A tear rolled down the disheartened child's cheek and he laughed. Without much thought she spit right in his mouth. He was so shocked he stood still for what felt like forever. He punched her in the jaw. Her jaded body flew half a mile away from him.

~~~~~~~~~~Years later ~~~~~~~

"Hell" She  yelped while looking at the sad peice of meat that landed on the ground. A frown formed on her face so she took up the meat and ate it while retrieving her weapons. She  looked up at the orange and purple sky with a exaggerated sigh.

Decades ago
Anticipation and impatience filled young atlas as he tapped his foot impatiently trying to come up with a concrete plan to dethrone his sworn enemy. His red pale skin crawled in disgust at his predicament but his deep full black eyes shined in determination.
"Rhiah we can't just sit here and let him treat us like we are below him, when we can trample him beneath our feet like the maggot he is." Atlas said.
"I know brother, but we have to approach this with intelligence and caution, every one is against us." Rhiah sighed frustratedly slumping her shoulders.
"We could die for this and endure even worse punishment from him, what if he banishes us" Eris cried.
"Oh move with your tears woman." Atlas gritted his teeth at his wife and she looked away with a clenched jaw rubbing her protruding round belly. Her emotions overcame eventually as she covered her face and wept. He rolled his eyes at her weakness and wrapped his arm around his sister's shoulder. "When will we strike?"

There's no telling when he will try anything so maybe it's best we wait ..." Rhiah said with a shrug.

"Too risky. You know how powerful he is. I think we should make the first move and make it big" atlas said and they all nodded.

Atlas watched as Erris walked off into the distance with a painful look on her face.

He soon followed as she layed on the ground and started holding her stomach.
He quickly called for his sister once he realized what was going on.


What do you mean not yours look at her, she looks like you." With every word that escaped her lips her joy went with it. "You sure because you and Lucifer-
"Do not speak such nonsense. Lucifer and I were never like that and you know it!"

Atlas slammed his hand against a rock causing an echo.
"Don't raise your voice at me woman. Look erris, look at her! She's a monster. An abomination and a disgrace to me and this family." He shouted.
"She's a baby Atlas. Just a baby, your daughter, she is just different and special in her own way! She screamed.

"Special? How? She has of two genitals. How is that normal? I'll be a laughing stock to all the men that should respect me." He mumbled the last part to himself and luckily for him she didn't hear .

Atlas stop, your going to make her cry. Your scaring me right now."
He held his head down. Hands down at his sides. "You were not complaining when you were in between my legs and getting me preg-."
"If you won't get rid of it I will." Atlas said leaving his wife loss for words.

~~~~~~present time ~~~~~~

A burst of fire engulfs the meat along with smoke. "Nyuma!" She slowly turned her head at the sudden noise of someone calling her name. Before she could even identify the person her body was jumped on and they  tumbled to the earth .

Nyuma smiled at the sudden surprise. "Ena why are you here?" She questioned staring at her sister and realizing the slight change in her appearance. None the less she was still as pretty as nyuma remembered her apart from one thing. She pointed out the obvious. "Why did you cut your hair? Did your father allow you to? "she asked running her hand through it. "Actually he was furious and put me out. I still don't know why he insists we all keep it this long. I'm getting annoyed." ena pouted . Though nyuma's not apart of the family anymore she still kept her hair as it is for some reason. She would never admit it out loud but a small little part of her hoped she would get to go back to them ,that there would still be a place for her there. "I missed you so much you should come back home. Mom hasn't been the same without you." Ena grabbed Nyuma by the shoulder tipping a little on her toes, offended that nyuma was taller. "I'm an abomination remember? I have no place in that family and he hates me." She said. "Look at me, we are all abominations why do you think we are here in this place to begin with? We are not complete without you and our father will soon see his mistake sister." She tipped again rubbing and holding my cheek. she placed her forehead on mine and we maintain eye contact. A sigh left her lips and Nyuma shook her head with a smile. "Alright baby sister can I get some of whatever animal that is."
"If you promise me you go home after sure I will." Nyuma joked.


"Alright I gave you food, talked to you and showed you around now shoo." Nyuma shoved ena with force but that didn't work so she resorted to throwing stones at her which still didn't work .
"nyuma what is that ?" ena asked pointing behind her tall sister. Nyuma turned but covered her eyes as the brightness was now almost blinding . Ena covered hers as well not able to stand it ..............

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