Chapter 3

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Nyuma up above ^^^

Nyuma POV•

Splash!! beep beep! I sighed wiping the dirty water off my arm .My eyes glanced all over in confusion. My heart raced along with my breathing. I began to feel lightheaded and my limbs weak for some reason to my annoyance. I tried getting up taking my time. "Need some assistance there?" My head quickly snapped into the direction of the voice. A tall male dressed nicely from head to toe. His feet was adorned in something that resembled a sandal but different. His hair a bit curly and shiny but something caught my attention. His teeth was white and it contributed to the kind wide smile. I still kept my guard up just in case. He seemed to be growing facial hair like a stubble. My eyes slowly watched his muscle flex in his shirt as he stretched his arm over to me.
I stumbled forward and his arm latched onto mine . "Are you from around here?" he asked giving me a weird look. Some people glanced over at us but some minded there own business going about their day. "Where am I?" I asked . "Currently (imagine your city)" He responded. "What is ( any city you want )?" I asked.
"By the looks of it you aren't from here so let me get you cleaned up. Then I can answer any other questions you might have, how about that?" He suggested pulling me forward. I didn't feel threatened by him so without any resistance my legs walked along with him. In any case something happens I'm more than capable of protecting myself.


I grimaced at the dark brown steaming liquid. "Not a coffee lover?" he questioned with a chuckled as I glared at him.
"Oh by the way I'm Regan Black. How about you, what's your name?" He said leaning towards me. "Ny-" I paused looking around and thinking of something and my eyes caught a big yellow book settled on a shelf near us. "Miriam." I replied.
"Miriam that's a nice name. Do you mind me asking your last name and where your from Miriam?" He was close to me so I moved to create some distance and he pouted. "Ah ...ah um Fi-....Finly." I said in a rushed high pitched tone. He smiled pushing his hands in his pockets. "Cool cool. Where are you fro-"
"My parents died and there the only family I had and known and I would like it if you stopped with the questions." I said interjecting him.
"I'm sorry I'll give you your space but for now I'll show you around."
"Do you trust and care for every woman you see helpless?" I asked following him and shifting my little friend down there once Regan's back was turned. "No usually we just head straight to the bedroom." He said with a mischievous smirk that made me slightly uncomfortable. He picked up on my discomfort and grabbed my hand ."Hey hey, I was joking your the first helpless woman I carried home." I pulled my hand away and he scratched his head with a shy smile. Shortly after the awkward silence he continued on our little tour.


"Try this on." Regan pushed a green dress in my hand. "You must be losing your mind if you think I'm going to put this on." I said pushing it right in his face. "Just please try it on and I'll get you anything else you might like, I promise." He pleaded clasping his hands. I rolled my eyes and entered the dressing room throwing the outfit on and shielding my front with the hoodie I had before exiting the room. "See that wasn't so bad now was it." He said looking impressed. "Why are you hiding yourself with my hoodie?" He asked. " Why do you keep telling me what to do?" I inquired. "First off I'm not telling you anything complicated, you know if another woman was in your place she would be quick to do anything I said without question so be glad I like you this much to let your attitude slide and secondly you look beautiful..." He mumbled the last part.
I didn't even bother replying to him and just went to change out of this uncomfortable atrocity.

"Wayne carry these upstairs for me " Regan instructed. "Won't you help him?" I questioned trying to take up a bag but he stopped me. "No this is what I hired him for. To drive me and carry my luggages, just leave him be." He said walking on the small steps leading to the door. "Ma'am you should go inside so I can do my job." Wayne said smiling at me but his eyes told a whole different story. Regardless I still took one of the bags with my boxers and bra's carrying them to the room I was going to stay in for the mean time.
Regan walked right into my room folding his arms. "Will you ever listen to me? I'm the one taking care of a woman I don't even know might as well you listen to the things I say."
"Firstly thank you for helping me and secondly no I won't listen to everything you say your not my master, Regan." I said taking out the heaps of clothes ,undergarments and shoes he bought me today. "Whatever." He mumbled leaving the room.

I closed my mouth feeling satisfied after the food Regan ordered from a place called Jollibee's for supper. He also got greedy and had wayne get pumpkin pudding for us to eat for dessert.To say the least the dessert absolutely repulsed me. I sat around the computer in the huge living room and started looking at random things to learn about earth.

I mean I did learn things from my mother and Atlas when I was young. I was born in Hell after all but I definitely heard some horrendous things. A lot of those humans aren't too different from us if not worse. I mostly heard about avoidable wars, pollution, racism, something called the LGBTQ community, justice system and Family and religion in some countries. The excitement running through my veins held no bounds on how excited I was to find out more things about this estranged planet.

"Had enough?" I asked removing my eyes from the computer to look at him.
Regan had no shirt on. He rubbed his eyes and stretched with a loud yawn pretending he was sleepy. "Whatever do you mean Miriam?" He questioned still staring at me like a creep.
"Shouldn't you be asleep at this time ?"
"Why does it matter to you? Do you want to sleep in my bed, cause no one's stopping you beautiful." He said then giving his attention to his phone.
I gave him a very bored expression then shut the computer down and walked past him upstairs cause I am pretty convinced he will continue to be a nuisance to me if I stay there.


"Hola!" A sweet high pitched voice shrieked. I looked up almost startled. "Hola Martina Como estas?" He greeted.
"Ponte una camisa, hombre barbaro." The short annoyed woman said. She was very pretty maybe not by my family or Atlas standards but she was. I liked her curly full black hair that neatly fell right over her shoulders and her pale skin.

 I liked her curly full black hair that neatly fell right over her shoulders and her pale skin

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Lauren jauregui as Martina Morales

"Martina this is -"
"Tu novia?" The lady squealed interrupting Regan. I swear too much noise for this early in the morning.
"No, no she is my friend." Regan responded with a exaggerated sigh.
"Oh how disappointing. What did I expect. Who would want to be with a juador like yourself anyway." She remarked making her way over to me with that constant smile that was filled with warmth kindness.

I got up slowly and her facial expression shifted from glee to shock. She shook her head. "I'm martina the chef for senor Regan." She said extending her hand to me. "Miriam Finley." I replied. "Nice to meet you miriam I hope we can become amigas." Without warning she pulled me in to a tight embrace pressing her face into my bosom making me extremely uncomfortable. My gaze went to regan begging him for help but he shrugged. "I would want to be tall like you. Soy muy cansado, tired of being this short. It sucks having to stretch and use objects to reach stuff. Is too much damn work." Martina mumbled the last part pulling away. "I don't see a problem with your height." I lied. She rolled her eyes.

Regan dragged her into the kitchen. "Feed me!" Shouting about how hungry he was.

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