Chapter 40

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•Ruelle's POV •

"Ruelle!" Miriam called for me suddenly that I almost dropped her phone.

In a hurry I turned her location on and quickly put my hair in a high pony tail.

"Coming baby!" I yelled back grabbing my bag and rushing downstairs to give Martina and little zenith a kiss on his forehead. I looked into his cute big green eyes which he got from his mother.

On my way out the door I saw Dodeka  lawning the yard and I gave him a high five as he smiled telling me bye.

..."If work gets too much for you tell me. You shouldn't be working when your pregnant" she started to reprimand while we were at the cafe door.

"Don't worry I'll let you know. Now give me a kiss" I said and she leaned down, craning her neck to reach my lips.

"Have a good day" she said before fixing her watch and strutting away sexily.

•Narrator POV•

"Yes I already did that .You can't keep popping up like this it's dangerous"
chantria whisper yelled in the mirror of the gym.

"These are all his orders now speed things up, or else" a voice said from the other side of the mirror in a warning tone before it disappeared making her groan.

She left the room to see Dio talking to a thick curvy white woman as she giggled and twirled her hair.

Purposely the lady leaned forward so her boobs would be closer to him. Chantria bolted over to them feeling her hands itching to grab the woman's wig.

"Hun I need to speak to you" She  whispered in his ear and he nodded bidding the lady farewell as she huffed walking off.

"Yes tria?" Dio said innocently.

"Why were you talking to her?" she asked glaring at him.

"I'm a trainer and I'm doing what I should be doing. What's the problem?" he said rudely with a frown.

"What's the problem?" chantria reiterated, her glare turning into one of concern.

"I don't know if I can do this anymore " he said and her heart dropped at his words.


"I know I agreed to do things slowly but this is just too slow for me besides you've been hiding things from me.
Like that day when I fainted I thought it was because a guy was following us but bits of something else keeps replacing what I thought I saw. You're lying to my face and I can't tolerate that" he said trying to walk pass her but she kept shoving at his chest until they were at a corner secluded from prying eyes. 

"Tria this is--

Chantria pulled his face towards hers forcibly silencing him. He tried keeping his lips closed but failed as she pressed her lower half unto his.

He grabbed unto her hips rubbing his groin against her with a thrust. "How about you come by and I promise you I'll make everything worth your while. We can always talk after" she suggested running her hand over his toned abs loving how strong and fit he was.

He looked into her eyes conflicted but his desire derided any other logical thought as he nodded with a grin.

"I'll make things right I promise" she said with a triumphant smirk.


Later on chantria decided to give Ruelle a little visit after dropping a package off to someone.

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