Chapter 39

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•Miriam's POV•

I stormed right through the door since it was slightly opened

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I stormed right through the door since it was slightly opened. At this time of night it should be closed but whatever.

I discreetly creeped inside but was halted in my step by a loud cry of an infant as I neared the living room.

"Come on little one you need to sleep" I heard a familiar voice said as the baby's cries lowered in volume.

I took a deep breath before making my presence known. "It's late shouldn't the front door be closed" I said and Dodeka's stressed expression turned into a pleasant one as he quickly stood to his feet.

"Where have you been!" Martina shouted, narrowing her eyes at me.

"I'm sorry for ghosti-

"Save your apologies for Ruelle, trust me. She needs it more than we do" she said and Dodeka nodded in agreement.

"She barely eats and just goes to work, even sleeps most of the time too. You messed up big time sister" Dodeka said taking the baby into his arms.

"When did this happen?" I asked as my stomach dropped at seeing the infant. I swallowed an invisible knot in my throat, avoiding their eyes.

"Tomorrow he's going to be 5 days old, he's so big. Come hold him" she said waving me over but I stood still.

"She's feeling guilty" he said to Martina and they both chuckled. He was approaching me with the baby and I took a step back whilst glaring at him. Unfortunately for me it didn't deter him from approaching me.

"Come on he's your nephew just hold him for a little bit he's handsome just like he's old dad, don't you think so?" he smiled looking down at the sleeping baby with dotting eyes. I glanced over to Martina as she gazed at them with the same look.

"I'll go close the door while you bond with him. Be careful though he's very fussy and I'm not going through the same hell again putting him back to sleep" she warned before walking past me to close the door.

I reached out my arms hesitantly for my nephew and Dodeka gently handed the baby over to me.

I looked down at him and suddenly my troublesome expression changed to pleasant one upon seeing his calm sleeping face.

"What's his name?" I asked getting a good hold of him.

"Zenith" Martina answered proudly leaning over to look at his face.

After talking with them for a couple more minutes and stalling they basically pushed me up the stairs to confront Ruelle.

I opened the door slowly and peeked through the side of it to see Ruelle sat up on the bed with sour lay chips and dip, a big cup of what seems to be juice I hope.

I walked over to place the dip on the dresser before reaching across to take the bag of chips only for her to clutch it tightly, eyes shooting daggers of fire my way.

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