Chapter 50

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•Miriam's POV •

"Come on, keep your legs still please" I said washing off Zora as she giggled while playing with my hair.

She kept on pulling it and I had to tighten my hold on her because of the slippery water.

I started putting her diaper on but she wouldn't make this easy for me, not like her brother and sister.

She kept writhing and kicking while reaching out her hands to me.

"Zora Erris Finly" I warned, while holding her legs as she continued giggling in my face as if there was something funny.

"Thank you for cleaning them up this  morning" Ruelle managed to say through a yawn before taking a seat on the rock nearest to me.

"No problem love, this is nothing" I cracked a smile while slipping on her clothes then picked her up.

I turned to look at Ruelle but to my surprised she was already watching me. The sun kissed her smooth skin as her eyes depicted lust and intent.

My eyes lingered over her red robe that reached her knees.
My heart throbbed as her soft pink lips parted, her eyes roamed shamelessly over me.

She reached down and picked up the other two before throwing a smirk over her shoulder.

I shook my head as she swayed her hips from side to side, the robe enhancing her movements which made me shift my dick in a comfortable position.

"See, your mother is a little vixen. She's the reason to blame for your hasty existence" I mumbled to Zora with a smile.

Narrator POV•

Placing the children down and wrapping them up comfortably in thick blankets to fight off the cold.

Thoughts started racing through her head about how to protect the people she loved from the inevitable mess they were in.

"What are you thinking about ?"

She felt arms wrap around her waist making all her stressing thoughts escape. A huge smile grew on her face still amazed by the effect her woman had on her.

"How to get rid of you" she responded while folding the kids clothes.

"I have very unfortunate news for you because that...isn't happening" she said in a sultry low tone while simultaneously sliding her hand down to my crotch.

"Looks like someone's excited already " she chuckled squeezing me and in a split second I spun around and picked her up by the waist as her hands massaged my scalp gently.

"You sure you want to be a tease in a time like this?" she asked slipping her hands under the silk robe that soothed her hand over the short women ass.

The chill traveled down her lower spine resulting in a small unbashful moan from her throat.

'Screw her' she thought while rubbing herself against Miriam.

"Does that answer your question?" she asked, her head leaning to one side as she ran her index finger on the outlining of Miriam's lips.

Ruelle giggled at the slight twitch she felt against her unclothed moist center. 

Miriam placed her down and ripped the robe off her body making her face go pink.

Her breathing started to become unsteady.

"Why all of a sudden your all timid and bashful?" asked Miriam while running her fingers across Ruelle's hardened nipples that were affected by the cold and her intense stare on her naked frame.

"I'm not. In fact I'm shameless" she whispered--maintaining their entrancing gaze. She felt like she could read everything that was in her heart just by simply looking into the taller's eyes.

She loved how she could feel Miriam bringing out a side in her that she always knew was there but never dared to reveal. All that fire and heat, that dizzying gut wrenching desire breaking to the surface.

"Oh?. Show me how shameless you are, love"

With a huge smirk plastered on her lips she slowly lowered herself to her knees while simultaneously staring up at her with a teasing grin.

Miriam swallowed while trying to hold back how shocked but impressed she was.

By this sheer action she knew she was in control. Obedience and submissiveness was what she gave off, her devotion was depicted in her eyes as she kneeled.

She couldn't deny this woman even if she wanted to. Her true nature was itching to break free and hurt the woman she loves but in no way would Miriam allow that. She was speechless, not knowing what words were right or wrong for a moment such as this.

Stepping forward she placed her hand at the back of her, first and only love's hair in the shape of a ponytail. The excited look that sparked in her eyes was surreal. It was difficult to fight off the feeling of her stomach tying itself into knots at mere expression on Ruelle.

A smile stretched on her lips as an idea started unfolding in her head.


"And I'll tell you the same thing I said  yesterday, you have to respect Ruelle Mother. In no way has she disrespected you"  Miriam stood, her fingers running through her damped hair.

"Did you hear her for yourself my daughter?......

She paused for a moment in thought before continuing.

"I must ask before I forget. Did you let her name your children?" Erris inquired, her nose flared.

"I really don't want to hear it right now. She was looking forward to meeting you and this is the behavior you display?. Why, Because you hate that I'm with a woman. Which shouldn't be a surprise because incase you forgot I have a penis!".

Erris rolled her eyes then tsked at her daughter's words. "That isn't the reason, she's just...just -

"Just what mother not a man?" Miriam crossed her arms with a scowl.

"Fix your face young lady because I've been nothing but nice and welcoming to you" Erris pointed at her with a warning tone.

Miriam's lips stretched from a frown to a smile. "Better mother?" she asked rhetorically while pointing at her face.

"Don't patronize me Nyuma" Erris spoke in a monotonous tone.

"I don't know who your referring to" miriam said with an unbothered shrug.

"How did you get here?" Erris asked stealthily changing the topic. Miriam blinked at her frantically remembering this is her mother's tactic whenever things got too difficult.

"I'm still not sure myself but it was through some kind of portal it's like it has a mind if it's own maybe" she replied and Erris's eyes quirked up in realization.

"I knew this moment would come but I always loathed it. My sweet daughter I'm afraid I have some things to explain to you "

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