Chapter 4

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Atlas exhaled in frustration at his mind numbing thoughts holding him prisoner .....

This is exquisite." Rhiah gasped in awe at her gift her eyes shinning with glee.

"Only the best for you Rhiah." Atlas said helping her out by putting his creation around her neck. The diamond looking rock that shined and glittered just as much as the woman before him. "Careful. You might make erris a little jealous." Atlas fanned off his sister's comment not taking her seriously. "As if she could do anything to me. She knows her place." Rhiah shook her head. "I'm going to show Cree." Rhiah said before her hateful brother could stop her. He shook his head still disappointed in the man she chose to call her husband.

Nyuma's Pov•

It's been a few weeks leading up to a month and I've been up and down with Martina ,Regan and even Wayne though he's still antisocial which I'm fine with. Martina takes me out to shop or to go to places but it only increases my knowledge each day and a part of me loved being outdoors. Martina bought things for the house and kitchen and has been teaching me somethings which I was awful at so I quit for the time being .
We had our bad days when some people were just awful towards us. Martina would be their target because I minded my own business and another reason being because of my intimidating appearance and glares no one wouldn't really have the guts to say anything to me.

Something covered my eyes blocking my vision so I reached up to touch someone's hand . "Guess who ?" A familiar voice asked. "Do you have nothing else  better to do?" I questioned pulling her hands away with ease. "Not my fault your boring. I think the next time we go out Regan should come with us but he always so busy." She whined. My gaze drifted over and spotted a young woman with two elderly people. A man and woman sitting on a bench in the park not too far from us. A little boy was running around them laughing to himself with two heart shaped lollipops in his grip.
"Where do you think we should go next Miriam?" Martina asked drawing me out of my daze. I shrugged not giving it a thought while getting up to throw some garbage away. On returning to where Martina was sitting this little boy ran bumping into me with a timid smile. "I'm sorry, can I give this as an apology." He said looking up still smiling with a few missing tooth offering me one of his heart candy. "Yunus what did I tell you about running off and talking to strangers. I'm sorry if my son bothered you." The same lady that I was looking at earlier that was sitting on the bench said to me then scolded the little boy that seemed to be her son. "He wasn't any bother." I said accepting his candy of apology. "I accept your apology uhh..... "My name Yunus, tall lady." He replied and his mom grabbed his ear scolding him once more. She gave me a fake smile and apologized again to me walking away with her son running ahead of her.

"Father look, look !" I shouted trying to get his attention at my sculpted stone creation. A scowl was etched on his face but he stooped down giving my art a look and he took it up and smiled at me which warmed my heart. He turned around placing my stone creation on a rock and took up another stone. My face went from confusion to shock when he used the bigger stone and  slammed down onto my work. Every slam made my heart sink and my lip tremble but I didn't say a word as I watched him break my heart once again like he just broke my creation. "The next time you call to me with foolishness like this your fingers are what I'm going to break next." He said flicking my forehead with his middle finger and walking away leaving me to sob. I wiped my tears feeling anger rise in my heart at how cruel he was towards me.

Could you help cutting these up for me? "Martina asked with a pout. I sighed getting up from the computer with a frown but helping her anyway. "Miriam can you be a darling and get those from the cupboard and on those off the fridge please?" She asked once I was finished cutting whatever she wanted. After getting the items she requested I was about to drink some orange juice I got from the fridge when Regan came strolling into the kitchen rubbing his eyes and yawning.

 After getting the items she requested I was about to drink some orange juice I got from the fridge when Regan came strolling into the kitchen rubbing his eyes and yawning

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Tyler Hoechlin >> Regan Black ^^

"How is my soon to be 24 year old friend!!" Martina said waving the  knife in the air with excitement. I grabbed her hand and placed the knife on the table. "I hoped you took my advice so we can celebrate." She said folding her arms . "Yes yes I did infact but I'll have to get right back to work trying to get new investors again and finding someone to assist me but that's harder than I thought it would be." Regan replied in a exasperated tone. "I could probably help with something like this. It could be how I repay you for your kindness." I suggested. For the most part I have been lieing to him about my life before he picked my up off the street. He asked for my personal documents and I lied about that too. Let's just say I might have payed someone to help me fake some stuff to make everything I told Regan to be true. He was at the level where he trusted me with his card and I'm hoping, now with his company. "That would be a good idea Regan, you should totally give your girlfriend a chance." Martina said grabbing the knife off the table and watching the pot on the stove. "I'm getting the feeling that your jealous." Regan smirked turning it back on her. Her cheeks flushed and she stirred the vegetables in the pot. "Stop turning this on me and get out I need space to finish cooking." She said. Regan walked up to Martina and hugged her from behind kissing her cheek. I walked out feeling awkward at the situation. Martina cursed in Spanish and continuously slapped him with a wooden spoon.

"Hold it properly so it gets everything." Martina whisper yelled. She pushed his door open slowly, careful not to make any noise. She pinched his ear and his eyes snapped opened looking at us with a smile. "Happy birthday Re Re!" She shouted pushing the cake she baked in his face. "This was nice of you to do Martina but can I please get some privacy to dress myself." Regan said covering his chest. "When since did you care about things like that. Last time I checked you would welcome any woman to see you undress." She said rolling her eyes placing his cake on the side table. "Happy birthday Regan." I said and pulled her along with me to give Regan his privacy. Unfortunately for Martina Regan just wanted to chill at home for his birthday he insisted we played video games with him and we went along with it.

He gave into Martina's pleas and agreed to go out. We took a drive to a nearby beach and enjoyed the view and water. We had dinner there and she and I gave him his gifts. On one of our shopping sprees she bought him some random things and I took one of them which was a shirt with his favourite anime on it. I was not prepared for this and I didn't want him to feel bad on a day like this. On the way back to his house we played music in his car which Martina went crazy with because on that playlist she had a lot of favourites.

Not long after we entered the house she came out with the camera. "What kind words do you have to say to Regan on his special day?"
"Your seriously putting me on the spot like this?" I frowned and Regan held onto my shoulder. "Don't you think we did enough today let's just head on to bed we'll pick up on all this tomorrow, it's not a big deal." He said. "No you haven't cut your cake yet and Miriam you will cut it with him." She demanded. We cut the cake on the count of three finally satisfying her demand. Regan embraced us into a warm tender hug thanking us for a good day. It was getting late so we all headed to bed. Martina took one of the guest rooms because she didn't want to go home. My room door creaked open and Regan's head peaked into the room. "Sorry to disturb you this late." He said walking inside standing near my bed. "It's fine." I responded. "I wanted to tell you that I've given it enough thought for you to assist me at work . So we can start whenever your re-"
"Tomorrow. I want to start tomorrow." I answered. "Are you sure?" He asked with a chuckle intrigued at my eagerness. "I know what I want." I said and he patted my head and I shoved his hand aside. "Tomorrow it is then."

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